Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Hier geht es zur Newsmeldung: Sales forecast for 3-D cameras relatively positive
Antwort von Kabe:

In life, not ... so many people do not even buy a camera in one year! That there should be found so exciting 3D quarter can not believe I did.
This should probably be made mood for a market that is not nearly as developed as hoped.
Antwort von wolfgang:

Well, the U.S. trade organization for electronic consumer products should be a certain vested interests can not deny. The way I read it but only 1 / 10 interest in buying, not 1 / 4?
However, it may be so with a new technology, as so often, the growth in the first time after the Introduction s.Markt slower than expected - so the new technology, says a failure. Then comes the new technology to run slow - then all know that it was always clear that the new technology before what will be.
The predictive power for the success of new technologies is a very limited capacity. s.Markt The time for success is underestimated usually dramatic.
Antwort von Kabe:

Well, over the forecast period of time so you could see. I myself am from the 3D area and should be happy about the current "boom" yes.
But when I experience that our kids want to see, after initial enthusiasm express no more 3D in movies, because they find it too stressful, but would rather see the films in 2D, then I'm on the success of the medium no longer convincing.
The fact is that the boom of the 3D-Television was quite a damp squib. Is beyond me how one would construct as a serious interest in 3D in the Width.
Antwort von domain:

The fact is that the boom of the 3D-Television was quite a damp squib. Is beyond me how one would construct as a serious interest in 3D in the Width. Is that really so?
Thus have taken would have to say within the last three months, a statistically significant shift in this direction.