Good day, I have one simple question for me extra because here angemeldet.Unzwar how I turn off the internal microphone? I have no instructions as to the camcorder to bekommen.Und on I can not even ausfühlen the contact because I then found habe.Und Camcoder not there in the menu itself com camcorder I could not synonymous finden.Jetz I have so much money output and I can not hope Mik ausschalte.Ich you can help me.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
Samsung phones I do not know in detail, but you can disable the built-in microphone actually in any camcorder of this class. If the HMX-H200 had a jack for an external micro, you could refrigerate the built while with a trick, but apparently this camera has no microphone input. What are the arguments for against the unnecessary sound easy to remove later in post-processing? If you've bought the camera new, you should at your dealer but still insist on a manual: it is simply included, and it was only on CD. Samsung is the way it is not synonymous to the homepage
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