Frage von Matthias.70:Hello everybody,
I'm probably the bloodiest Beginners in video on this planet and with all sorts of problems most geplagt.Das I get through and try to read out the following maladministration but I do not know to remove:
if my DV s.mein laptop connected (via Firewire, external IEEE 1394 Cardbus), it reports that it is the camera as synonymous to the cardbus erkennt.Ich then start as Windows Movie Maker for the movie to hard drive to bring work me through the wizard to the point where the tape is rewound to the camera at the beginning and the transfer should begin. At the moment when the camera to "Play" is the message, "the video transmission device has been disabled / not erkannt.Bitte try erneut.Sind sure everything is properly connected to?" (not literally, but, mutatis mutandis). Amazingly, the same happens with NERO.
My theory was that the cable is defective ist.Aber then the camera would probably not even erkannt.Genausowenig I think a jack is defective or has a loose connection, as it always timed precisely s.der same place leads to termination.
Now I know not whether I "just" a codec is missing (if so, how), or I simply do not form a coalition with one another favorable combination of various hardware nenne.Auf my own any case I am for any help in advance, ever grateful.
Greetz, Matthias
Antwort von Markus:
Hello Matthias,
times go systematically to isolate the cause. Here you can read what I mean:
Antwort von Matthias.70:
Hi, Markus,
I'm for hours s.lesen, synonymous find very interesting and helpful posts, but sporadic crashes, I can not synonymous now finden.Ich have no other cable available, so I try könnte.Ich not synonymous but believe that it because (Camera and PCMCIA are so recognized). It is, as already described, just the beginning of the actual capture (when the cam to "play" is), like a Wackelkontakt.Eben with Verbindungsabbruch.Die Cam is then no longer synonymous in Explorer under My Computer> Scanners and Cameras gelistet.Erst when I made the cable-corner and once again, an active connection zustande.Bis the actual moment of capture (if the cam to "play" is), like a bad .. . . You understand what I mean?
Nevertheless, thanks for your help,
Greetz, Matthias