Frage von Nathalie85:
I am an absolute beginner and have the following problem:
I have received DVDs that I easily play A true picture stands as a symbol. VOB,. IFO,. VUB.
I want to save this video now on the PC in order then to be able to edit with Adobe Premiere and then back to DVD burn.Hab a notebook in which the burner so synonymous same drive would be nice to have ist.Bin s.verzweifeln.Hilfe . I hope that problem is verständlich.Gruß Nathalie
Antwort von Gast 0815:

So, you have the relevant data are available in the major film Vob files.
To build a DVD, see:
If Premiere can directly capture the VOBs, use it.
Otherwise, you should set the example external VOBs with SUPER ( in MPEG-2 or transforming DV-Avi, the latter can capture each Schnittprg.
Greetings from Marburg