Frage von Biertrinker:
I'm in my first video with Nero Vision projects to DVD to burn.
Because some of my collections are up about 7GB, I use the function in vision, the video material s.die DVD size. ie the program will compress the videos.
If I use this function, the size, it fits really well s.die DVD, but in the videos, I have just for faster movements only streak in the Picture.
Is there a setting that I have overlooked so synonymous faster movements can be displayed properly?
I have one of those times as a DVD-9 DVD to hard drive is written, connect via DVD Shrink to the size of a regular DVD adjusted. The result of the video quality was fine. No. Schlieren formation in rapid movements, etc. However, this program has problems with it in Nero Vision to create DVD menus to take over.
Has anyone a tip how to make an "over-long" Project DVD on a normal DVD - resize it?
Antwort von Biertrinker:

Is there really nobody here, the NEN has handy quick tip?
Or was my question so stupid that it actually needed None answer?
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

The question was not stupid, but there is no problem for your solution. If you have more to do crush the DVD, when normally being made, you must stop with quality of life losses.
One is always either a lot or a lot of quality DVDs. That you have seen in the DL-DVD synonymous even noticed, as you write.
Antwort von Biertrinker:

ok, I'll stuff all on 2 DVD's to distribute or DL-DVD take.
Gruß, Björn