Frage von kris-s:I am quite new here, looking for help and know that I will first search the forums for my Prob. I have tried, in vain (maybe lay s.mir).
I have long been the problem that have a portion of the disastrous quality of VHS movies captured by screenings of the picture. Others are perfectly fine, although I did everything exactly the same. It always falls back the same imagery.
In the meantime I have replaced the whole chain of 2009: a new VHS recorder and PC. I use a Pinnacle MovieBox DV (about 4 to 5 years old) and Pinnacle Studio 12th
Does anyone know the problem, does anybody know the solution or there is already an existing thread about this?
Vielen Dank schon mal
Antwort von B.DeKid:
Are you talking of half-frames or Interöaced problem?
Where Prob only occurs on the tubes and s.PC tvs is everything OK?
B. DeKid
Antwort von tommyb:
Sample image? For what is a screening in the Picture?