Frage von _DINGO_:
Hi All,
for team-premiere of a short film (, 14 min), I'm looking for a suitable screening room in Berlin.
A real small cinema room would of course be great, but it is synonymous, a project room exhibition space or the like
(; A computer projector and player is capable of) will bring us.
If someone rents a room or knows of independent cinema, which writes out of the question, ask me a message.
The date was the 12th June 2009 (but in the evening).
Thank you very much!
Antwort von Mantas:

kino kino arsenal union and I know that offer something.
union very cheap but very remote, arsenal s.potsdamer court, but more expensive.
Antwort von pilskopf:
Possibly there. Are you Musst look at you. Movies will rent to be expensive (at least one of a chain, and even worked in one) in Berlin Presentation loss Friday night and not good, I do not recommend.
There is still a bar where a ne Movies's inside, I once asked a colleague how the name was.
Antwort von PUDU:
Antwort von _DINGO_:

Super, thank you!
Exactly sowas in the direction I was looking for, I'll write to the same times.
Many greetings!