Infoseite // Screenshot

Frage von Nio:


How do I Create in Exel's a screenshot in which the Maua be seen to be synonymous.
Because of pressure / Alt + Print Screen Photo s.ein I only ran without a mouse, where no preference.

Is this only in my case, or someone else here knows the problem?


Antwort von Georg:

You can possibly use a screen capture program, where there are several Einstellmöglicheiten. I used eg for something of TechSmith SnagIt.


Antwort von Markus:

Hi Nio,

This is on my PC as well. If you want to see the mouse arrow, you could include it later, for example by You of the window Start> Control Panel> Printers and Other Hardware> Mouse> Pointer also make a screenshot, crop the mouse arrow is shown and then paste it into your Excel screen.

Once released, you can use the same mouse cursor over again.


Antwort von Nio:

But one way to know the ding in the Reegistry you do not, or
So he is always with you?


Antwort von DamienTrickster:

nicht faul sein!!!


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