Frage von mmohl:
I have an After Effects script written that with the work and After Effects MochaAE simplified.
The free download and video tutorials (; synonymous in German) to be found on
Antwort von mmohl:

've Just been posted on hacker movies. Here again for completeness:
Meanwhile, there are a few new video tutorials of me MochaImport:
Tutorial on Creative Cow and Red Giant TV, here it is only in the second (; my opinion clear more exciting) part go to Mocha + MochaImport:
3-minute intro at vimeo:
Tutorials on the functions that can be exploited in combination with Red Giant Warp:
Part 1: (; general intro on Vimeo):
Part 2: (; on Aetuts, compositing a wound on a moving, rotating head)
Antwort von mmohl:

Is now quite a while since I've released the first version of MochaImport. There is now a new version and several new tutorials MochaImport:
After Effects Tutorial: Mocha Corner Pin (English only) zum Bild After Effects Tutorial: Compositing Advanced (English only) zum Bild After Effects Tutorial: Cyborg Arm (English only) zum Bild After Effects Tutorial: Image stabilization without zooming (German & English) zum Bild After Effects Tutorial: Wikileaks cleansing (German & English)