Frage von bright!:
just trying quite unsuccessfully another Adobe Production Studio Standard for Windows to buy. Somehow seems the entire dealer but not to have, because soon a new rauskommt. Can someone here dealer, who has still one there?
Were thankful for every tip.
Antwort von Sascha:

determines the donkey hats ^ ^ ne scherzinger, schonmal geguckt at amazon or ebay? vllt have one more thing
Antwort von Eva Maier:

My you are not a cross between donkey and horse?
/ E
Antwort von Sascha:

either the viecher or is there anything else ^ ^, the fileshare bär, blue frog: D all the same ^ ^
Antwort von bright!:

I am looking for rather a dealer sells it with :-)
Antwort von Eva Maier:

A few days ago bdei Amazon gabs noch was!
Frog? Everything but what it is
/ E
Antwort von rush:

look here
Antwort von Eva Maier: standard -deutsch/dp/B000EDWUG0
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