Infoseite // Search HD camcorder for (mostly) inside!

Frage von e4sy:


I'm looking for an HD camcorder! price should be about 500 euros.

It is important that the camcorder itself is not too well-lit shots a sharp and clean picture.

Have been the SonyHDR-CX105E LEGRIA and Canon HF200 on my list, but would simply is not smart any more suitable for dark recordings.

A small point of use is synonymous nor easy. I want to quickly adjust synonymous times what a good record without hours before things.

Thank you!

Greetings :-)


Antwort von Videobodo:

For dark images to go almost all the camcorder. Only for light wirds closely in this price range.


Antwort von EdwinAnDerSaar:


I film with the Canon HF100, which is the predecessor of those in the pre-HF200.

To get completely noise-free, bright images, you must have some s.Licht exist. While there is a possibility that electronic image clearing (gain) completely shut down (or hinzuzugeben gradual and dosed) and control the Aperture manual, but the picture is thus logically a lot darker, but noise-free.

Those who want good pictures, just needs to make a prior arrangement for sufficient light.



Antwort von Replay:

In this price range you are familiar with the Panasonic HDC-SD66 very lucky. No other device in this class has better features in bad light. And with good 400 euros are you even under the budget, yet so what accessories (second battery) remains.


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