Frage von _L_:
Until now I have the right rotation of the camera via FireWire to the computer recorded. I have CaptureFlux used.
Now I would go to buy Canon XH A1 and am now in search of a program with which I am the Picture on the notebook can control (ie, preview in fullscreen), capture the whole can and should certainly HDV support.
In short: I am looking for a program like CaptureFlux, which can handle with HDV. I'm glad for every tip!
Lg _L_
Antwort von WWJD:

On Location of Adobe.
Unfortunately not a single software available only as a bundle with Premiere Pro CS3.
Antwort von Daigoro:

If it's nothing to be: HDVSplit - for the preview I think you need more FFmpg
Commercial Others: Adobe OnLocation (Part of CS 3).