Frage von Wuffi:
I have VHS of a movie 90 minutes length transferred to PC and now I have Asycnchro, the sound is s.Ende about 2 seconds slower than the video image.
Now I am looking for a (freeware) software that I use the sound (did exist as a wave) can be extended by 2 sec Time Stretch.
Although I have Magix Video Deluxe 16 Premium, but I get it back not sure either about 5-7 seconds or 5-7 seconds too much too little, in between I get, unfortunately or not I do something wrong at Magix.
Thanks for your help!
Antwort von moke:
Ähnliches Thema, vielleicht bringts dir was.
Die einzige Audio -Freeware, die mir einfällt ist Audacity. Ob die "Timestrech" kann weiß ich aber nicht.
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Do you prefer the shorter portion of your video image around 2 seconds, via the (hopefully existing) Time Stretch function in your NLE. Tonunsauberkeiten are much more important than a few Dropped frames of the video!
135 000 50 frames your entire frame of the videos are homogeneously distributed over the 90 minutes rausgedroppt strike anyone.
Antwort von Wuffi:

Good idea, but how will that work? The film frame of 25 fps, length at 90 minutes there are 135 000 pictures! In order to cut out 2 seconds I would have to take 50 pictures spread over the whole movie! I can not imagine how it works?
Again, I speak not from the time offset, but growing asynchronous, synchronous and dhsAnfang in the film is the serial Speechtone earlier and earlier, dhsEnde 2 seconds too early. I hope I have expressed of course, thank you!
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Yes, you were already expressed at the first attempt to understand. And I told you in my answer so synonymous already pre-calculated exactly the same ...
So you have the image of your movies sound element decoupling in your NLE (to consult the included help), so that you can manipulate them independently of each other (If the decoupling does not work, export just the audio portion of the video in full quality a WAV file and import them into your timeline back. Then just switch the sound of total silence video so that you have ever exist an independent picture-and audio part.). Then you should be able to using the Time Stretch function simply just to "compress" the image of the (shorter) length of the audio parts. Which is no longer needed 50 frames jump off the blade, let confidently times the problem of time-stretching algorithm to be!
If the increasing asynchrony in the video is of linear type, your problem should be solved using my described actually do.
Antwort von Frank B.:

Mach min approximately every 15th in a period of silence (if any) a cut in the audio track and drag the resulting sections each 10 frames to the end. The resulting gaps in each of 10 frames You fill up with material that you can duplicate from moments of silence in the soundtrack out / copying / win.
So after 15 minutes - cut
after 30 minutes - cut
after 45 minutes - cut
after 60 minutes - cut
after 75min - cut
= 5 Cuts
2 seconds offset correspond to 50 frames / 5 = 10 frames Cuts
These values are of course the first time, mathematically and slightly shifted depending on the content of the audio track. The cuts may be in phases, in which there is silence in the audio (a few seconds or frames rest as even rich) conceal well.
You may like to do more synonymous Cuts and insert it a few frames. You should keep trying, as it is s.besten.
Antwort von Wuffi:

Oh, and I had not thought ;-) Is certainly a lot of effort, but I can try me, thanks!
Today, times have Googled BeSweet it is synonymous to:
Antwort von videowuif:

maybe it's useful
Addendum: Although not freeware, but perhaps you manage your projects in the test of time (30 days)!
Antwort von Filbert:

Perhaps another of which:
Paul's Extreme Sound Stretch:
Best Practice:
Rubber tape:
Regards, Filbert
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Ok, so I will not play, but what exactly has the thread starter on it to implement my solution? It is clearly the most optimal, in Comparison to rest all that has been proposed. Unless, in his NLE can "compress" the image is not part of a video for a given value.
Antwort von Filbert:
It is clearly the most optimal, in Comparison to rest all that has been proposed.
... I had only just replied to his question:
Now I am looking for a (freeware) software that I use the sound (did exist as a wave) can be extended by 2 sec Time Stretch. Whether this is the best solution I will not judge at all ... ;-)
but meaning and purpose of a forum is that there are different approaches, I'll throw him stop at just a few dirty links, you show him actually a practical solution ...
Regards, Filbert
Antwort von Frank B.:

One would have to synonymous times to see if the offset is continuously greater than or erratic s.einer place. Sometimes increased the Picture or freezes for a few frames while capturing, especially in disturbed analog signals (often on VHS). Thus, a picture captured on several frames. Therefore, we switched the capture of such signals better in front of a TBC, which clocks the signals again. The reward for amateur film-maker but now no more, since most work is now digital. If something has happened that min at 90. is to evaluate very bad, you could cut out the pictures that are too much, and the correction of the offset s.diesen points. Possibly. TS, the time to check whether the offset is suddenly there and where it starts. There simply closer look, whether individual frames are redundant.
I remember dark s.ein program that could find such dual or multiple images recorded. But I know nothing more precise about it.
Alternatively, next to my first proposal, the top (of 13.49 clock), one can simply synonymous only a few pieces of video (which correspond to the offset) to cut out the Ripplemodus simply s.Stellen, s.denen the film was cut anyway.
This method should significantly faster and may even be cleaner than that of Debonnaire;)
Antwort von Blackeagle123:
Ok, I will not even play Thank you!