Frage von Kar.El.Gott:
Moin, try super off topic, one can once ...
My site is showing its age a bit, then created with FrontPage 2003. According to the spirit sees them synonymous so. All html, no php, many tables.
Now I want to do something new, very simple, five bases, finished.
Jommla I've tried, I might come clear with, but is oversized for my purposes, there are also problems with the charging time at Strato.
First, I wanted to make the order, a release from the spot was almost ¬ 4K. For an information page about my work, speaker selection and technique just too much, especially since the site is not intended for customer acquisition, but will give a personally aquiriertem customers with further information.
Anyone who has experience with simple editors?
I'm still open to offers for creating the site, but in an appropriate context.
Offers to s.eifelbuur @, I have a pdf, which represents the structure of the pages.
Antwort von ArnAuge:

you just have to send an offer via email.