Frage von casjenennen:
Hello, Dolly for a special tripod, I would like my Manfrotto 501 tripod head may be a suitable Nivellierhalbkugel buy. For my project I wanted to ask whether it is possible the hemisphere s.eine art metal plate with holes to attach, or I absolutely need this Holkehle against a piece? Or someone like me ne idea on a metal frame besfestige and still can nivillieren?
grüße Casjens
Antwort von Markus:
... whether it is possible the hemisphere s.eine art metal plate with holes to attach, or I absolutely need this Holkehle against a piece? It was not synonymous to a hole in a metal plate, but it has two disadvantages: 1) The lock is not as good as in the bowl, not least through the necessary Adaptiererei until the screw counter-attacks. 2) The hemisphere s.Kopf can s.den edges of the metal plate and can be damaged in the bowl of the tripod will no longer be so easy leveling.
Antwort von Marinus:

MA Nivellierkugel Manfrotto 438 tripod head accessories
Nivellierkugel The Manfrotto 438 is between the head and Tripod inserted and facilitates fast leveling for tripods that do not have a built-Nivelliereinrichtung have. My range of motion is 10 °.
MA Nivellierkugel Manfrotto 438 tripod head accessories
Nivellierkugel with built-in bubble level
- Fine adjustment + / -10 °
- Height 5 cm
- Weight 0.65 kilograms
- Maximum load capacity 15 kg
price about 60 - 70 Euro
Greeting Marinus
Antwort von Marinus:

Another solution is synonymous to the Linhof Nivellierkopf 77-3/8 "or 77-1/4". For details about the company is to learn Linhof.