Frage von slany:
Hello, everybody. I'm looking for a good digital satellite receivers with usb interface. Do not need a hard drive here, wants to connect my external disk. What device can I use it? It is important indeed uch as the receiver receives. In what format?
For each answer, thank you in advance times already.
Greeting Slany
Antwort von jens:

I can not think spontaneously of the Topfield 5000 or 5500th The synonymous Easily compatible with a removable under there (you could) pull out your HDD insert /. Otherwise, look at yourself but at times on eBay. There Haufenweise "empty" Receiver (Dreambox be, etc.) ticked ('d have only the USB port ;-) investigators.
If you have a perfectly ordinary external HDD, however, I doubt that you could add (connected via USB) directly from this.
Record all do dig. Satellite Receivers, incidentally, only the signal (MPEG2) ;-)
Antwort von wolfgang:

Hauppauge DEC 3000s. Even has a CI here, and is a separate, smaller satellite receiver.
After several updates, the part runs at me now quite stable - but only with the included recording software.
However, no 5.1 audio is recorded, but only stereo. That does not make the change together.