Frage von danitv:
Hi, we have already heruasgebracht 2 short films. As we run out of ideas and slowly we would now want to turn a normal, proper (long) film, we script a. Is there anyone of us could be a script to provide? No matter what .... for a story
Antwort von Mink:

Apart from that I think the problem for lack of ideas quite Fatal if you want to make movies .....
Who are "you" for?
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

There are websites, where a short story or screenplay excerpts are published (usually in English) are often synonymous, the familiar scenes that one can interpret new or very old works.
I find something for Camera / Directingübungen always well suited. da Can anyone recommend good sites?
Antwort von beiti:
As we run out of ideas and slowly we would now want to turn a normal, proper (long) film, we script a. Against industry-standard fee, I can tell you like to write one. If you have enough money to shoot a feature film, it should not fail s.Drehbuchhonorar ...
Antwort von domain:

Yes, the ideas are the problem and even more so the whole story.
Lack of equipment, it seems to many not so, great night-sighted cameras with super DOF, floating camera and-running systems, elaborate lighting, etc.
And what you see? A Substandardbadezimmer in 60-Watt Lighting, entrances its storm of excitement :-))
I give you a tip for a film entitled "The Burkamann. Do what it.
Antwort von Axel:
I give you a tip for a film entitled "The Burkamann. Do what it. The
Antwort von domain:

The Burkamann must move in our society and it is likely inevitable, death threats of Islamists reap it. At the border, the film is likely to be really interesting. See my video, that was meant somewhat provocative.
I have many ideas for Burkamann, but the story is too layered, consists only of various ideas, but not yet closed out a round story.
Generally, I think that could be drawn from the tension of the different cultures in our immediate area quite a few issues, of course, all with a humorous and conciliatory resolution.
Antwort von Axel:
Generally, I think that could be drawn from the tension of the different cultures in our immediate area quite a few issues ... For example, that the economic refugees have taken so out of hand that only an elite of our Western-Central European culture as a management class holds. In the general chaos, and because there are too many people anyway, feeds this noble group of human flesh. We experience the love of adventure through and through sympathetic hero who proved valiant in battle against the revolting slaughter cattle must be - and of course victorious, Happy End.
Of course all with a humorous and conciliatory resolution. The Noah of our time, who lives in Vienna, does not believe s.die need to build an ark. The sea is far away rain, and does not do more than before. But from the sewage waste water to rise higher and higher, so gradually that it hardly remember the citizens, even as they wade up to their ankles in shit. Diseases are rampant, corruption is rampant, the ultra-right corner s.jeder drool. At night, dim the Jauch Esch calves on the moon. But people can not ruin the life. In view of the eradication of the plague to sing and blessed wine is in the arms. In the last few days before the burning scenes of this magnificent city, sacred flowers sprout of love, of dissolute life and delicious intoxication.
Antwort von domain:

You're a real poet Axel and apparently synonymous know the historic Vienna.
All this pessimism, melancholy and love-Augustin-mentality of you would still give wonderful movie themes. But what we found predominantly young male monster: alcohol, binge drinking, bathroom, light swords, blood, violence, bombs, combat, fire and death and especially their own special meaning in it, so just because they look cool.
In the girls on Youtube, it is basically harmless, but still far from stupid. Since an undisputed nice peson shows over seven minutes, how to be sexy for the male former glory among exposed individuals, so that one is desirable.
Gentlemen, how old you have to know that one can pass one of self-representation to more important issues?
A question naturally arises always: we were different back then?
Antwort von Axel:
Gentlemen, how old you have to know that one can pass one of self-representation to more important issues? Waldorf: "I must confess to you what: I like younger women ..."
Statler: "Older'll find you hardly synonymous ..."
Somewhere (novel quiz, but I do not know myself) it is said, take nothing important, what you can not laugh synonymous. This is one of the sets that are inherently paradoxical and therefore taste like "truth": In order to make themselves important, we should not take yourself too seriously. only young people to take seriously? Did I not get that impression.
A question naturally arises always: we were different back then? Sounds so otherworldly, like from the realm of the dead. The song
Father & Son
Waldorf: "Was it any good?"
Statler: "I do not know thing. I slept over the whole."
Waldorf: "Guess we did not miss much."
Antwort von domain:

Sounds so otherworldly, like from the realm of the dead.
Is everything what I write is from a dark, cool vault out reports in which I find myself already. Your statements, however, are full of vitality.
By the way, like today, I went to the morning with my Porsche as fuck so wildly that some 30 degree angle had to be overcome in the curves. Then stop in a large country inn with huge brass band, in honor of the 90-year-old honorary chairman of the Musikverein in Gutenberg. Have fed synonymous wonderful there.
Carpe diem, after me the deluge, so is my motto.
Any philosophy you need to get through the next 12 months :-))
A more economically stamped impression I got at all times: our society has a totally unnatural excess in the age demographics. If young people are smart, they feel useh to their needs than to indulge in their own self-representation desires.
From personal experience I know that an older person can be a lot of scary. It is not good to be a priori that all older persons in our society despises. Since we are far ahead of other companies in its "backwardness" and this applies especially to Arab societies, but surely the Japanese synonymous.
That contrast between the clan of family feeling and thinking and our own specially made the old compared shown ruthlessly selfish individualism, there are many movie themes, for there is true even with security is not something in our society.
And in the situation we need not complacent self-portraits and explosions and killing of stupid games with young people.
What a pity that they do not realize where the hat blows. Because there were so many issues.
Antwort von Axel:
From personal experience I know that an older person can be a lot of scary. It is not good to be a priori that all older persons in our society despises. I suppose you know. My own parents describe themselves as victims of their time, their youth was under the evil star of the 2nd World War II. All it drummed into them, no, had been
beaten into something not only questioned later, revoke, it was branded as the worst one, which had produced the story.
all the familiar tales to shorten: It was not simply synonymous, such broken parents to be
the children. What da s.familiärer love is there, is a laborious process of both sides to be worked out again.
And most parents bring their children to the care and substantive entitlement to their own advantage. Only logical that, as pensioners, who have for decades before him and proclaim "after us the deluge", can not hope to special deference.
Since we are far ahead of other companies in its "backwardness" and this applies especially to Arab societies, but surely the Japanese synonymous. They are so completely different backgrounds, which can be as nothing compared.
That contrast between the clan of family feeling and thinking and our own specially made the old compared shown ruthlessly selfish individualism, there are many movie themes, for there is true even with security is not something in our society. Apart from the fact that the recklessness is based on reciprocity mE, reaps all what he sows. One of his brood into the nursing home of deportees - to name just one - even the course has provided. But if you knew how right you have won! The problem runs so deep in our society, it is the largest of our taboos, denials and guarding of euphemisms and mendacious political correctness (there are actually synonymous
honest political correctness?) That there is indeed a big issue would be. Can a younger person lift this issue already? Can there be an
even older?
And in the situation we need not complacent self-portraits and explosions and killing of stupid games with young people. It's all about the trivialization and distractions that produces the collective conscience.
Everything will remain both
in the family as synonymous
Cough of the dead but act
indirectly of your topic. As mid-twenties to their being expressed otherwise than by discomfort? And as they should, with their future prospects, other than the fact survive to become friends with this discomfort? From which movie is the quote: "If the horror is your friend, it is your worst enemy?"
What a pity that they do not realize where the hat blows. Because there were so many issues. Our culture can really only look pessimistic. Rescue, it is only for the individual who protects front blunting. A very nice film is the love story of Pocahontas
The New World of Terrence Malick. Captain Smith lives a few weeks with the Indians and learns to open his heart. Then he returns back to the fort of the British. When he passes through the wooden gate, the most depressing section follows the history of film. No reason for hope (Yes, yes I know,
it's up to that same story as
Antwort von domain:

Oh I would see nothing pessimistic, unless danitv and others do what wishers after this discussion had absolutely no idea what they tackle and how they could represent their discomfort in their own video stories.
One thing, however, appears to be safe: the development of such stories does not happen overnight. This time it could need a basic idea, many other complementary components, which eventually result in an exciting multi-layered history. This must be mature and be converted and added continuously and is actually the business of specialists, in particular the dialogue on synonymous.