Frage von Mark:
Does anyone have experience with it, whether it is possible to muddle a second interface card into the calculator?
I have the Matrox RTX100Xtreme, but I would like to, try out relatively well because now affordable, the new Canopus Edius DVX. If there may be something in the way, or something I can mess hit the super-good configuration?
Antwort von Björn:

Hi Mark,
Although I have no novideo card in my system, you would nevertheless recommend this for the duration of your test, the one card to replace the other. If you have the PC open anyway, just take out the Matrox and the other is for one.
Background is, the more hardware in the system puts more error-prone and it is more it is slowed synonymous (; the PCI bus is by today's standards not exactly the miracle performance).
Thinks ...
Antwort von Markus:

Hi namesake,
Matrox RT.X100 is - like any other real-time video card - very demanding in terms of the hardware environment. If you want to test the Canopus Edius DVX, check first whether your PC (;! Card without Matrox Video) synonymous of the compatibility requirement corresponds to the Canopus card. If not, chances are not carried out with the existing Calculator and without major renovations a meaningful test. If so, be sure to secure your current system in the form of an image. This saves you a lot later (; a lot!) Time and trouble. If the image before, you can replace the video card and the calculator completely new software with its venues. After the test is the restoration of the original position is child's play - unless you have waived the image.
Antwort von Mark:

: EDIUS DVX is in principle less critical than the Matrox. In any case, they should
: Have an exclusive IRQ. Therefore, the proposal for the cards to the test
: Swap makes sense because if you ever think I've worked with EDIUS hardly,
: That you will make the exchange to reverse.
: Greetings of LBogsch.
Thanks to you for answers / tips. Get me think about how or whether I'm going to do then or not. It is difficult to decide which card is good or better if you have not tested it, I think. The Matrox is okay, but there are still things that can either the card or I'm too stupid ..... However, I hear only good about Canopus. Whether it will ultimately be synonymous or just the program I do not know, is next Edius Avid Xpress Pro, the only thing I have not tested well, and all other "major" programs I have had times (; I could have more coal would be probably even a second with Calculator card ...), sogesehen possible but I am already a "fan" of Premiere.
Antwort von LBogsch:

EDIUS DVX is in principle less critical than the Matrox. In any case, they should have an exclusive IRQ. Therefore, the proposal to replace the cards for the test makes sense, because if you ever worked with EDIUS think I've hardly that you will make the exchange to reverse.
Greetings of LBogsch.