Frage von Moritzk:
Hello dear Forum
I wish you all a happy new year 2011 and only the best for you.
Now to my problem.
I was the last 9 days of vacation and had previously pulled out all the time from your PC to the screen.
Now I wanted to work again today s.Pc something and have got the problem. Whether the problem is not with the existing power has to do, I do not know but one probably is an important point.
I have a new Dell Pc s.die with a 1 Gb Ati Radeon graphics card, I have 2 monitor via VGA and have a display connected to port.
The two monitors over VGA are the same (; Acer X233H).
Today when I turned on the Pc had worked only two monitors, one of the Acer, the third was no video signal again. I tried everything (; need to change cable change, etc.) but it remained dark screen.
The screen is s.aber there is no Picture.
In the Windows 7 Screen display, the screen displayed, but the model is not recognized (; non pnp monitor standard).
I hope you can help me.
If you need more information, then more questions.
Best regards,
Antwort von dustdancer:

could you first the best drivers of the manufacturer-hp download.
otherwise there are probs with some monitors when they are turned on before the pc, in others, if the PC is first turned on.
btw were already all monitors with the computer? because, as far as I know, most are designed only for 2 Grakas monis. or has your ati this feature for more than 2 monis come straight to the net name, something with "eye"