Frage von hanshagel:
I am looking for a camcorder light on the flash shoe fits, but not synonymous outrageously expensive. For example: this lamp here:
Video light-PAG-Light-C6-fuer-camcorder-Videoleuchte_W0QQitemZ300070193942QQihZ020QQcategoryZ15449QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQcmdZViewItem
Certainly good, but too expensive!
So I would like to know what alternatives are there that are not quite as expensive?
Antwort von Udo Schröer:

Look here, you can with Sony Camcorder Batteries operated. The lamp is on Ebay at Euro 100, - + Battery
Flashes + +% 26 + Lights
Antwort von hanshagel:
Can I use the NP-F330 Battery hernehmen? If a Li-ion Battery. On eBay, I find the light but not cheaper: 3A% 2F% 2Fws% 2F & FKR = 1 & from = R8 & satitle = + Sony HVL-20DW2 + & = category0
With the shipping is the supply of cheaper miser: = 108.39 + 7.77 euros
Although I want the yes überhuapt not new, a second-hand model would be sufficient to me, because I have next to eBay looking for ....
Thanks but in any case, 100 euros would be synonymous ok, if the fit with the Battery.
Antwort von Jan:

if you are working with 2 burners want, it will be with the 330er Nothing.
Even a 570 (7 Series is the latest) has already enjoy with caution, 770 or 960 & 970 recommended Sonyfür the 20 watt mode.
You will see very quickly a large battery for the light value, which consumes much more electricity than a camera with LCD & Viewfinder together.
So you can not compare C 6, is already higher ne class of the lighting effect and the wing gates supplied & Light filters.
Do you have a camera with normal shoes?
Antwort von hanshagel:

Thank you, I have the 970er Battery on eBay can find new and original packaging from China for 42 euros including shipping costs. This is the best deal. Is this OK?
And I do in fact have a double hot shoe (my Micro is so synonymous with it), but do not know where I can find would be s.liebsten me here in Germany .....?
Antwort von Sascha:

The NP-F730 is synonymous enough power for both the burner
Antwort von Jan:

What did you actually for a camera, the FX 7 Should synonymous dislike a foreign company.
Yes, the'30 series gibts ja synonymous yet, I had to beat ....
730,750,760 common Sonyist so and now the good news 770er.
Antwort von hanshagel:

And the Battery? video Light_W0QQitemZ290111603556QQihZ019QQcategoryZ23780QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD2VQQcmdZ
Refer to the 10 hours on the light or the performance in general?
I ask again synonymous to see if I understand correctly the Battery comes directly s.das light, not s.den camcorder. The battery retains its still ....?
Antwort von Jan:

Battery comes to light, and the 20 DW 2 need a lot of power violently, especially operating at 20 watts.
10 h with 550 & 750 I think & out is impossible.
You can do 10 h does not synonymous with the camera, when a few were less good with 960 & 970er.
Antwort von hanshagel:

No, but the Battery LIS750H should run 10 hours, or not?
In the item description reads:
"10hr BATTERY LIS750H for SonyHVL-20DW2 Video Light." But 5 hours would be so completely synonymous already sufficient to me anyway. Is this the strongest Battery LIS750H or the 760er synonymous his 5-6 hours? Then would take, because it can be ordered in Germany. U.S. orders are too burdensome.
Antwort von Sascha:

jo, but the 10hr, so I assume the usual address with batteries for mA / h ie milliamps - hours. 10mA / h corresponds to a period of 10h, where du 1 milliamps raussaugst. If you need 10mA, then the battery holds only 1 hour, etc. ..
In normal use it enough to be easily Battery 970er, 770er expected of synonymous rich, have the parts but not needed for a long time, so I no longer know everything.
Schöne Grüße,
Antwort von Sascha:
What did you actually for a camera, the FX 7 Should synonymous dislike a foreign company.
Yes, the'30 series gibts ja synonymous yet, I had to beat ....
730,750,760 common Sonyist so and now the good news 770er.
Jan Called synonymous yes but not 30 Series L Series
Antwort von hanshagel:

So the F-960's with his mAh hours fully sufficient for a 20 watt lamp:
Output: DC 8.4V
Capacity: 47.5Wh / 6600mAh That's a lot of hours.
Antwort von Udo Schröer:

Yes, of course. even the 730 is enough for one hour.
Antwort von Jan:

But not 10 h continuous operation with 20 watts, I can not believe it.
Np Battery F, L Series - is already known.
The 9xx series, he is quite strong, but with the 5xx he?
Only 3700 mAh and then 10 h with 20 watts? To have but it is.
The 730er had 2700 mAh, the current 770er now has 4400 mAh, it's been improved quite a lot.
The xx7er series is the latest (and much faster loading capacity), 970 is 6600 mAh. The originals had 5400 mAH 960er.
The contractors like to give utopian mAH, it rarely keep them. Is just like AA NiMH Batteries with 22 of 25 manufacturers are there with the 2500 mAh are really only around 2100 mAh, Sanyo, Ansmann (will partly synonymous of Sanyo supplies) and GP keep what was promised or ca max 100 mAH less.
I used the 20 DW 2 never much longer than 1 h s.Stück, the battery indicator shows it in your camcorder, but a good consumption.
Werd probably accurately measure times .....
Antwort von hanshagel:

The F-960 is already one tenth of a car battery or 23 bulbs, which is long enough. Is synonymous, but a very nice block.
Antwort von hanshagel:
The xx7er series is the latest (and much faster loading capacity), 970 is 6600 mAh. The originals had 5400 mAH 960er. How long does the NP-970er first time charge?
Antwort von rtzbild:

Everything partly theoretical values ...
A battery with 20 Ah _könnte_ an hour 20 A competence, 20h or 1 A, however, such a bill is not in the battery light to be used:
A battery has 13.2 V, 7 Ah.
The lamp has a rated voltage of 12V, 20W.
Follows current 1.5 amperes.
Question: How long can sense the light may be used if the battery is full?
Milk girls:
7 Ah: 1.5 = 4.66 h.
MORE than four a half hours?
Schön wars, because if the battery voltage below 12 volt device, the dark and reddish birnchen and is then no longer shots to use.
In practice about 30 minutes more, then the Battery again s.die outlet.
With continuous use, the things, however, synonymous warm and lose their capacity even faster.
Therefore Batteries always cool place.
Antwort von Jan:

Olli sags but I had it, because I hätt in physics better be careful - yes the school is already so long ago ....
Antwort von rtzbild:

Hey Jan, Tach synonymous: o)
No, at first, I know, of course not everything, but I know where I should look.
Unfortunately, I recently synonymous too often too tight, especially in Haribo and other treats; o)
LG Olli
Antwort von hanshagel:

Weird .... everything!
I have the SonyNP-F970 Battery and the SonyHVL-20DW2 lamp.
Furthermore, the SonyNP-F9960 Battery.
By 960er go two lights, but with the new 970er only one or if I have two wishes then turn it is dark ...
What is the reason, but the Battery comes with a power so mad? 47.5 Wh!
Antwort von rtzbild:

The 970er has electronic components that are probably not intended for use s.accessories constructs are:
With the rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery NP-F970, you can shorten the life of your camcorder significantly increased. The NP-F970 belongs to the L Series Info Lithium and offers a 30% higher than the autonomy of its predecessor, the NP-F960. Up to 90 hours of applying for a charging are possible. The NP-F970 offers a microprocessor, the remaining energy is calculated exactly minutes. With the NP-F970 use the capacity ...
google -> "np-f970"
May for this purpose diodes in it, or Sttrombegrenzer, although 12V and a few mAh leak, but no x amps for your Jupiter lamp; o)
Antwort von hanshagel:

The contacting is s.den Batteries two exactly alike. The 970er is completely new and original packed been ...
I have now a lamp can burn times until the battery is empty and do it again now fully ... New Batteries come only so often s.dem 2 and 3 times in the trip. But I think the display on the camcorder InfoLit will not work correctly. When load is simple: --- and then sometime in 1024 min. FULL. Well, the light bulb s.der pretty much exactly corresponds to your calculated time, so the s.Wahrscheinlichsten it gives a blocking diode. Can you remove the synonymous?
EDIT: Oh I see! Then I share the s.besten Batteries: 970 for the camcorder and the Jupiter 960 for the lamp!
Or should I use the 970 exchange against a 960er?
Antwort von rtzbild:

Incidentally haste because the chip ever get a reply:
Sach times rather with whether the battery has gone, I need lots of NB-2L 12 / 14 / 15, certainly FAT.
LG Olli
Antwort von rtzbild:
The contacting is s.den Batteries two exactly alike. The 970er is completely new and original packed been ... From China?
[quote = "hans hail"] I have now a lamp can burn times until the battery is empty and do it again now fully ... New Batteries come only so often s.dem 2 and 3 times in the trip.
Also "form" called.
But I think the display on the camcorder InfoLit will not work correctly. When load is simple: --- and then sometime in 1024 min. FULL. Can you synonymous with BOSCH / Eisemann work lamps happen: The electronics (here in Battery (??)) takes 2-3 _komplette_ charge / discharge cycles until it is on the battery is inserted pattern.
Well, the light bulb s.der pretty much exactly corresponds to your calculated time, so the s.Wahrscheinlichsten it gives a blocking diode. Can you remove the synonymous? What time, 4.66 h?
Then haste luck and there is a voltage stabilizer in it, congratulations!
I posted it already, it's probably an electronic current limitation in it, perhaps synonymous to protect against Lurzschluss (too much power to the consumer), so could it be that after you remove the circuit suddenly your cam with heavy grills,
NEVER do that! EDIT: Oh I see! Then I share the s.besten Batteries: 970 for the camcorder and the Jupiter 960 for the lamp! Well, then take to halt 970er for the Cam and the 960 for light.
Or should I use the 970 exchange against a 960er? I do not know what you prefer, a universally usable, weaker battery or a fetter for the Cam?
LG Olli
Antwort von rtzbild:

Edit synonymous still wants to say something:
It can and should be that a good battery with control electronics only as long provenance voltage, the electronics to "empty" reports that it is _not_ as a Battery auszulutschen so long until the electrolyte leaking ...
With Batteries, the old, let the lamp burn and otherwise tags smoulders the glowworms still, you do so that the Battery, however, no favors, you hurt him irreparably.
Small battery Brevier Klaus weiß synonymous bescheidGoogle:
"Deep discharge" Klaus weiß synonymous bescheidGoogle:
"Entladeschlussspannung" HTH
Antwort von hanshagel:

The time now is InfoLit s.Camcorders or because the charging time will be displayed! You had so synonymous so right! Yes but everything seems to be cool .... :-)
Antwort von hanshagel:
From China? Yes, the batteries come from China! Panasonic and Sony ...
What surprised me, as it actually create the original packaged batteries for this price to offer? The shipping cost of 10 euros, I think not much synonymous, but the Battery from Hong Kong comes just a week and needs. DHL wants as much anymore.
Is probably s.Markt, the times in China now is much greater.
Antwort von rtzbild:

Hi Hans,
Several possibilities could include:
a.) it could be that a part of the production will be diverted ...
b.) it could be that the Batteries and / or the packaging for any reason 2.Wahl, could mistake the printed image, or a% chen more out of tolerance ...
c.) it might be synonymous-and that's Agenda in China-that the provider Plagiarism, pirate products. You're just as genuine, but differ in direct comparison with design, printing, packaging, was always synonymous.
Pirate products are usually _eben nicht_ as original, s.irgendwas will always be saved. Since you do have a chip in it would be a.) and b.) possible.
Tell me, you must nachverzollen, as is the "poison" (gift) has been sent and how did the article with you that letter, packet, parcel, UPS?
Interested, I would be so, but because the article is China always uninsured come, I have serious concerns there about what to order.
Also driving abroad fraudsters like rum, either nothing or send garnicht.
And who is liable for loss?
How did you predict it?
LG Olli
Antwort von hanshagel:

Your fears and concerns are synonymous the usual prejudices against the Germans. But I think now we must just trust in Germany. So you order Your Battery on eBay, pay via Paypal.
10 days later you get the Battery with the normal daily mail.
On the cover reads: "PROVISIONS" and "GIFTS", Value: 5.00 USD, "Decorative good." I paid 18 euros + 13 euros shipping for 970er. I do not believe that there are fakes, it is probably possible A. Sony Japan deals with China here ... Do you like times to Hong Kong to fly with your camera and a training of eBay sellers create? That would interest me.
Antwort von rtzbild:
[...] Do you like times to Hong Kong to fly with your camera and a training of eBay sellers create? That would interest me. Aloha,
So gift shipping.
Due to the rotation in Hong Kong: No problem, if you get all costs, plus food and lodging as well as an assistant to take over.
It could even start next WE.
LG Olli
Antwort von hanshagel:

Who are you? And what do you need a wizard? That should be a reporter from the ARD studio Hong Kong do anything for love, the fee revenue is so good. Sorry dude, can not do ... union issues! :-)