Frage von Martin Jahns:
I want my holiday videos (some hours), and on DVD
looking for a program with which I simply cut and comfortably can.
Who can recommend me something. If possible freeware.
I need Adobe Premiere or not so expensive things with elaborate
a numerous features but a simple easy to use
Program for the film to one hour to reduce.
who know such a program?
Martin Jahns
Antwort von Bernd Meyer:

Magix video on CD and DVD.
Gruß, Bernd
Antwort von Horst Tanner:

Hello Martin,
I am using for some time "Easy Movie" of bhv:”7
This is the version were supposed by the "Womble Mpeg Video Wizard" but
much cheaper. And above all things super-easy to use - with
Timeline for Video (synonymous with sound) and two additional tracks for
Mixing as well as a title track.
There are a whole series of transition effects available.
And the best thing in mpeg2, only the parts re-encoded, in which
Effects (title, on and dim, crossfading) were used.
The English version of the test, you can download here:
In my eyes the only drawback: no AC3 sound, just a stereo track.
Have fun
Martin Jahns wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to leave my videos (some hours), and on DVD
> Looking for a program with which I simply cut and comfortably can.
> Who can recommend me something. If possible freeware.
> I do not need a Adobe Premiere so expensive or complicated cases with
> A numerous features but a simple easy to use
> Program for the movie to one hour to reduce.
> Who know such a program?
> Martin Jahns
Antwort von Stefan Machwirth:

Martin Jahns wrote:
> I want to leave my videos (some hours), and on DVD
> Looking for a program with which I simply cut and comfortably can.
> Who can recommend me something. If possible freeware.
MovieXOne of AIST, there is regular as a free down
Version. 2 authoring and 2 Editspuren (A / B) with a simple
Transition sufficient for your purposes from certain. In CDs to special issues
this is often included (eg chip digital photography) and I like it since
Years so much that I long for the good pros upgraded version hab.
-- [another kind of metal] [the cool address for all audio work] [the industry free music portal for newcomers and
Underground Bands]
Antwort von Ralf Fontana:

Horst Tanner wrote:
> I am using for some time "Easy Movie" of bhv
This can be cut (which I believe VirtualDub beherscht much better than all
Eierlegende Wollmilchsäue this world) and it can convert MPEG2
(which can not VD).
It makes but from the MPEG-file no DVD.
Thus he either drags the ballast of Eierlegende Wollmilchsau
in vain with the rum or standing on end with milchgefüllten eggs, but
still without a DVD since.
@ Martin: Please nochmal genau. Would you really just hard cut or
synonymous crossfading / Show Title? Do you want to really just cut or
synonymous to DVD? Is this necessarily an entire program or
may be more synonymous? And above all: What OS do you use?
[FU of environmentally sound disposal TOFU - lern please quote]
Antwort von Martin Jahns:

> @ Martin: Please nochmal genau.
So I will leave from the video without me with the topic
longer must employ the best and Scenes raussuchen it a
short film making. The whole should not myself for days employ
and therefore is easy to use.
A few more than blinding effects are ok, but I need not now tens
Picture and sound tracks, and something like profiting Programs.
The program should also offer the possibility of the cut
Material without neukodierung and qualtitäseinbuße as a DV video for the
Archiving to disk.
Burning it does not have to, I have nero vision express what it is then for
DVD converts.
I use WinXP SP2 prof, 1024 MB RAM Athlon 2700
Thanks again
Martin Jahns
Antwort von Jürgen_He:

Martin Jahns wrote:
>> @ Martin: Please nochmal genau.
> So I want from a holiday without the videos I am with the theme
> More must employ the best Scenes raussuchen and make it a
> Short film making. [...]
> The program should also offer the possibility of the cut
> Materials and qualtitäseinbuße without neukodierung as a DV video for the
> Archiving to save.
> [...]
The use of effects (eg apertures) is synonymous with DV-AVI A
partial Neukodierung required.
> I use WinXP SP2 prof, 1024 MB RAM Athlon 2700
Try "Movie Maker" is in XP.
Gruß, Jürgen
Antwort von Wolfgang Koenig:

> So I want from a holiday without the videos I am with the theme
> More must employ the best Scenes raussuchen and make it a
> Short film making. The whole should not myself for days employ
> And thus easy to use.
> A few more than blinding effects are ok, but I need not now tens
> Picture and sound tracks, and something like profiting Programs.
> I use WinXP SP2 prof, 1024 MB RAM Athlon 2700
then just use the Movie Maker 2.x of XP.
I think the for the "simple" cut and DV Creation fine. Did synonymous
Class Title Effects and Transitions, Effects, Soundtrack of loose au.
with a friendly greeting
Wolfgang Koenig
Antwort von Ralf Fontana:

Martin Jahns wrote:
> So I want from a holiday without the videos I am with the theme
> More must employ the best Scenes raussuchen and make it a
> Short film making.
> The whole day should I not employ many
> I use WinXP SP2 prof, 1024 MB RAM Athlon 2700
Then it is already included in Movie Maker probably your thing.
possible approach:
1. with MM via firewire everything there is a DV-AVI save.
2. Copy of this Master Creating. Only with the copy will continue
3. The tape in a dry and cool place to store.
3. Now the video capture in MM, make hard cuts, re-save it.
3. Time and desire still there? Then
4. again capture, Title insert, insert Effects
5. What you now have is the finished film in a maximum possible
Quality. So once again synonymous with a copy on DVD.
6. Now only on target format Evaporate. MPEG compression and cohorts
better than DV-AVI, but are not suitable for finishing. Therefore
before the backup copy of the finished film.
Important: Download Step 6 ever before as a DV-AVI. Never and not
Under no circumstances prior to step 6 in any proprietary
Dreck Scheisse format like "wmv", etc. save.
If you have enough HD, you can have 2-3 synonymous nor 2a insert
2a data from the master tape to 2-3 DVDs wegsichern
Alternatively, you can MM be synonymous with DVIO.exe and capture with VirtualDub
hard cuts ( "Direct Stream Copy") set. Both programs have
significantly fewer features, but what do they do and
mE require fewer resources.
The above procedure requires that you put your partitions
've formatted with NTFS. With FAT32, it will be more critical.
Antwort von Martin Jahns:

> Then it is already included in Movie Maker probably your thing.
thanks for the tips and recommendations ... ich werd das mal with the
free movie maker and my experience here, where appropriate, published.
Is it for the last step before the DVD as the best brennenam DV
Video store and of Nero to convert (because the MM yes
apparently only can burn CD's) or what format it should immediately
before the burn to have? I use Nero 6 OEM to burn.
Martin Jahns
Antwort von Jürgen_He:

Martin Jahns wrote:
> Is it for the last step before the DVD as the best brennenam
> DV video store and of Nero to convert (because the MM yes
> Apparently only can burn CD's) or what format it
> Just before the burn to have? I use Nero 6 OEM to burn.
The MM can only be in Windows format or even in DV-AVI file. You
So the latter must take, and then with Nero Vision Express
further. I do not know what the OEM version bezügl
Video processing built-in limitations, because in principle
You could synonymous NVE everything in it, I wöbei
Cut function in NVE fairly "Fummel" find. Try it.
Gruß, Jürgen
Antwort von Ralf Fontana:

Martin Jahns wrote:
>>> It does not have to burn, I have nero vision express what it is then for
>>> converts the DVD
> I use Nero 6 OEM to burn.
If my Verlustnis not mistaken are the two completely
different programs. Did you really NVE _und_ N6OEM?
Antwort von Martin Jahns:

Did you really NVE _und_ N6OEM?
yes, this is the Nero product center but synonymous extra (although
everything in the Start Center) ... (just like InCD). Cover Designer and Showtime
in turn are synonymous in the Start Center, but apparently to Nero OEM to do so.
The whole was and is in any event on a CD to my DVD
Enclosed burner .....
Alles klar, o)