Frage von HomeComingFilms:
I'm new here and I want a semi-pro camera down.
I films for several years with Digi-Cams and I miss the manual controls. (Currently I use the Panasonic HDC-SD1)
What I am looking for: A Camera (max. ¬ 3,500), the AVCHD recording to SDHC and with whom I can hire more manual than with a Digi-cam.
I've seen the Panasonic AG-HMC151 ever closer, but I'm not sure if there are already newer better cameras at a similar price.
What I want to film: Mainly smaller music videos (also synonymous just in darker venues)
What you think of used cameras? I am currently still a bit shy in front of a used buy.
Would be great if someone stands with my expertise help.
Thanks in advance.
Antwort von campool:

Panasonic AG HMC 81st
Antwort von rush:
Panasonic AG HMC 81st Small camera in the large garment ... For me, more of a plastic Bomber: D But in principle it is of course in the direction of what looks for the TO ... and so bad it is certainly not synonymous - synonymous if the HMC151 have the slightly larger chip ... .
Have the 81 but not yet had in his hand and can therefore synonymous nothing to say ...
Sonyhat synonymous something on sale, the HXR-MC2000E
If it's not HD must be synonymous, you could do a look for older SD-shoulder camcorders ... Which are then usually by handling more towards "professional" designed ...
Antwort von Blackeagle123:
HXR-MC2000E is it true that the s.1400, - is ¬?
Antwort von rush:
is it true that the s.1400, - is ¬? Jupp so in the rotation ... - Some dealers apparently synonymous Vegas including 10 at the end of March `11 Purchase
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

Perhaps synonymous, the JVC HM series is of interest to you. Since there were a convenient shoulder camera that represents only 720p50, 1080p25, but synonymous with XLR connectors. But the price should be in the frame, if need be used when the camera was not so long ...
As you might you later synonymous ne hard drive hang it.
Or your budget is based on all inclusive Tripod, Microphone?