Frage von islaender:
Search camera for short videos - but which one? hmm maybe he has given up?
ne time ... but then another question s.The professionals here in the forum: Where can one s.Seminare as beginner / training in order to participate (in the range of shooting film, short films, advertisements, news reports etc) to next form
(; do not like ne of several years of training to ...)
Lieben Dank schonmal in advance.
Antwort von PowerMac:

A seminar for advertising? It's like a weekend seminar in the field of opera singing.
Antwort von robbie:

in the tv area, there is nothing you can learn to close in less than half a year. not even cable carriers. even then you need experience and knowledge of the tender.
Antwort von islaender:

@ PowerMac:
Kenn me with marketing all over. Mir gehts more about the technical during the shoot. Synonymous but if I did not know me, I think we must see not just synonymous anything negative! That it is done with one WE seminar has even claimed ninth. nenene ... But the main thing that reingeschrieben ne ;-)
Antwort von PowerMac:

The "technical". For heaven's sake! Think you know your way with all non-technical ie from? Screenplay theories staging - which is synonymous everything technology. Apart from this, even less light light technology as art.
I recommend you set an internship or a two-year intensive study s.einer private film school. I make the film synonymous shit a few years, investing several hours daily and still do not know everything. One can not learn quickly. This was said to you.
Antwort von islaender:

just a learning process never stops on :-)
is indeed correct as far as what you say .. only times I have to find a beginning. Especially since I have a business to run simultaneously. As is with internships or study anything ... (In my area, field, marketing / sales), it is indeed already some vendors s.Fortbildungen (; not just DC) .. My question was just related to it if it's the actual filming in the area do not exist!?
I never said I have to innerhlab couple of months, everything can. Before this is misunderstood .... ;-)
Antwort von r.p.television:

In a short time, you always learn more s.meisten when you get in a small production company with the offer, "Can I then somewhere in vain contribute?" hires. They need someone who often hinterherschleppt the tripod. If one then has the good fortune and has a mitteilungsfreudigen cameraman / editor, etc. on site, one gets after a few days and some basic knowledge can perhaps synonymous take a picture, for even if the whole of the question.
So I then made 18 years ago as my first set of graduates experience and was able to build on my young Amateuerkenntnissen.
A short seminar can never be quite serious and will always aim at your wallet easier. An internship is (, except for a blue shoulders and long arms free) and you see how it actually in everyday production approaching and that a prime example as photo skills while helping on but there is an unequal burden (; financially as synonymous by the workload) to master a video production.
Antwort von islaender:

@ rptelev.: thanksi times for the advice. Is to make movies ever since and before a dream of mine ... In fact, this approach would be to time .. and now after ISt implement temporary halt not so easy when you have the heart of the business life is .. (; make sowas compared immediately after school to ...) :-)
Antwort von PowerMac:

Incidentally, if you have a business-will anyway.
Antwort von islaender:

If I had this setting I would not be where I am standing here today ;-)
Antwort von robbie:
If I had this setting I would not be where I am standing here today ;-) the film and tv business is with anything comparable.
for the working of what you need the hardness and the working hours of a soldier in the inset, of the obstinacy of a rotweinfleckens, the creativity of a fashion designer, of the patience of a museum guard, of the ideas of improvisation bastler, from a technical understanding of a technician and often synonymous of the wurschtigkeit one beamtenl.
if you do this only in passing, you will never be the quality, professionalism and know that to achieve that you need.
ambition in your honor, but please start with small ideas and plans to.
if you really want to do what you have before.
Antwort von Markus:
Where can one s.Seminare as beginner / training form to participate (in the range of the filming, short films, advertisements, news reports etc) next to
(; do not like ne of several years of training to ...) Would be synonymous for a single course in question? It seems to me you would not love to have you stay with
what you already know you can /, but rather come directly to the issues that are still unknown. Just individually.
There are usKameraleute that offer such a thing. Trainings with individuals are unusual but not impossible.
Antwort von camworks:

are not so unusual (individual courses, see my signature). And if this is irresponsible ... no. A crash course is a crash course. you learn what all the buttons are there s.der camera and what they do. basic knowledge they get from white to illuminate and such a course synonymous, which is an axis, and how to make the leap to avoid. tongrundkenntnisse gibts well.
The theme we had here before, but there is already some years ago, I repeat again: Of course you will not filmemacher a crash course, but then we know with certainty to deal better with a camera because you have basic knowledge and know why something is, how it is. which helps to respond properly to unknown challenges.
with one that is not done crash course, is obvious. we must build on and practice for many years as possible in order to become even better.
Antwort von veejay:

I agree CAMWorks thoughts to a large extent.
Technique is one thing, the other content. But, seminars and any magnitude, depending on prior knowledge of course there are staggered, no preference whether content or technique. And they are serious, the synonymous, and finally run around not just criminals.
Antwort von alexanderdergrosse:

Hello Icelanders Below I've created for you a list. As you learn about any required knowledge on which you can then build itself later in your practice experiences. For me this was so that I needed to know for myself, so I did not need synonymous UNI or 3 year old camera training, I wanted it for myself and a few took advantage of opportunities ug. Theory is a half, the other comes with practice.
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Here are online seminars:
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Here, DVD, or online presence Seminar (); English:
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Here you get camera courses:
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Here, 1 time per week (, 1.5 years) in MSG, lo and behold:
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Here, for example, a full-time seminary (;) 1 month:
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In addition, there are a few good courses at adult education centers in your city.
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Here is a selbtorganisierte school in Berlin:
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Some seminars on filmmaking:
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(;) easily penetrate-this list is constantly updated
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Antwort von KrischanDO:

in the 5-day workshop on "video journalism - Television in Transition" with Andreas Wunderlich s.der VHS Cologne, the end of October, are still a few seats available.
termine #
Perhaps it looks ...
Antwort von alexanderdergrosse:

(so, I added the contribution)