Frage von frywa:
Sell Sennheiser mic. seat composed of:
Sennheiser feed module K 30 with 2 Batteries
Mik Sennheiser ME 20 with Windscreens (round)
Mik Sennheiser ME 40 with Windscreens (kidney) ¨
Sennheiser ME 80 Mik same windscreen as ME 40 (p. kidney)
Mik Sennheiser ME 88 with Windscreens (cardioid) 62 Cm. long
2 cables of 1 meter and about 5 meters long
The Mik and feed module in leather case
price ¬ 300 - plus shipping
Switzerland SFR 450, - plus shipping
Miks All in excellent condition. If only the whole Seat sold.
Antwort von Pianist:

A miked seat? For confidential discussions with therapists direct transfer to the BKA? Or have I read what is wrong and the microphones are used only in conjunction with a Marbella? As expected, the ME 88, but only just fit inside ... :-)