Frage von mistadobalina:
Hey Leutz .....
I now have about 30 minutes. searched for matching contributions to my problem, but found none ... so now my problem ...
basically a very simple question: how can I split an audio track or separate multiple audio tracks? it comes to the following facts: I have a movie (in. vob) format and these would now like to change the audio tracks in the area, which means in plain text that I understand the audio track with the language of the audio track with the rest of the ton (ambient noise, effect, noise, etc. will be separated).
1. I do not know whether the überhaubt is possible.
2. I have already tried a lot, so I have to, for example with various re-authoring programs accept only trying to separate audio tracks, but had always either tone and language, or nothing at all.
3. Now I would like to know what I can do ..........
Antwort von grovel:

Do not go.
The problem is that the sounds and the language are on the DVD on the same track.
Of course, the film makers (at least for large productions), a separate lane available, otherwise we could not resynchronize films yes, but on the DVD, everything is mixed together.
SeeYa grovel
Antwort von Stefan:

You can try it.
First you need the soundtrack from the VOB ever find out so demux video and audio. There are several possibilities. One way is about typical Demux tools include (Tool list on such as in TMPGEnc. VirtualDub-MPEG2 you can pull out of Fcchandler synonymous audio as WAV.
When completely mixed together audio tracks you can only hope that you have a stereo sound and that the language center is located in the stereo sound. A poor synchronization or in interviews ... stands the chance of doing so not so bad. Then you can try the rauszurechnen Language. There are tutorials about this in karaoke establishment. I mean, the freeware audio tool Audacity, I have seen such features.
If you can have a multi-channel audio demux and clean in the individual channels, maybe the language is mostly within 1-2 channels and the background sound in the rest. But I have no experience with multichannel sound. Perhaps it is worth the considerable task in front of the check with a multi-channel receiver, by abhörst you the individual canals.
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von Markus:
Of course, the film makers have (at least for large productions) a separate lane available, ... Hi Nicklas,
to the IT (International Tape - so called soundtrack with only those sounds and music) you come not ran, right? ;-)
Antwort von mistadobalina:

Now I know not whether you mean it ironically or so, but:
No, I'm not actually off, otherwise I would hardly have written the article ....
if you can help me, then that would be super horny, but if I reinfahre sackgasse in a thick, tell me, please ....... ;-)
Antwort von Markus:

No, that was not meant ironically. I do not know what material you editing and what contact you stand with the authors. ;-)
Otherwise, I do concur with the above-mentioned proposals and only add the following: Had a complete new settings with possibly even recorded Atmo possible? You have to (depending on the material do not) hear exactly what the original soundtrack delivers.
Antwort von mistadobalina:

Achso ..... jojo, thank you ....
I probiers erstmal so ... (no new settings)