Frage von Christian:
I've just run a project, what the calculator is forcing some to their knees, as the entire raw material is linked to it and several sequences (ready-cut films) contains. It also invites the open forever.
For all the shooting, which are united in the Project, later to be the best edited together again into a major film. The finished films rausrendern and import as ONE file again in this case, it is not because I want to get me the cuts to make adjustments.
My question:
I can invite. Final Cut Pro files (or the sequence in the Project File) in another Project? So that remain synonymous get all the cuts in the timeline? When importing, I see no way the sequence of other (not currently open) projects to invite ...
Antwort von Axel:

1st For longer projects, it is almost the ideal approach for Final Cut, sequences can be longer than 10-15 minutes and this s.Schluss to move into a master sequence, eg drag & drop from the browser. The small sequences behave like clips.
However, if you still want to change something, you should always do this in the first sequences, not in the master sequence (changes are automatically taken over here anyway). For a flawless performance is necessary to the so-called "boxes" very meticulous attention to the hierarchy.
2nd Projects are indeed default browser tabs always open. They can be - also on their sequences - copy & paste nest on the cross. Finally, parallel projects are only in the intuition of the user interface something other than parallel sequences. So: No problem.
But the projects are secured under his own name, have their own footage folders, etc. The probability is not low enough to make you even lose track and start to nest illogical, that is used Timelineschnippsel, after the still insecure, older version of a parallel project have been amended. This results sooner rather than later to both comic and adverse effects in Final Cut Pro, in extreme cases, crash.
Wisest, therefore, is part of other projects with i + o select the respective timeline to export as independent films and import it back into the new Project. This one has not changed s.den old projects and Final Cut Pro is quickly and reliably.
... the Calculator something in the knee forces, as the entire raw material is linked to it and several sequences (ready-cut films) contains. It also invites the open forever. Sounds after a mammoth box of wood. Tips: sequences streamline, reduce it to fewer tracks, still images reimport as movs, close is not currently required projects (right click the tab)>. After securing the downsizing "as ..." (Name of the project as a new version): Old versions are not lost, the whole Spoek but needs the next time not be processed.
Antwort von Christian:

Thank you for your detailed reply:
So I work s.einem iMac 24 "that has only 2 GB of RAM and you realize that for some time now. Otherwise, the as far as I know, borrowed one of the fastest in the last generation (of a colleague).
My individual sequences are in fact not more than 10 minutes, but it will already be some s.end. Now I am with 3 or 4
The nest is familiar to me from Aftter Effects. Nested is so far still nothing next.
There is much raw material, many individual clips. The material is FULL-HD, progressive.
The problem: when I export parts from other projects as independent films and new in the Master Project invite her to be cut again. For there are individual films, which were cut to the Music. Every single film has a different music. And the main movie has a different AGAIN Music. This means that the exported single clip, which already included several cuts, will never fit on the Music in the master project. There must be adjusted in any case and that is unfortunately not when there are already a clip ...
Antwort von Axel:
... So I work s.einem iMac 24 "that has only 2 GB of RAM and you realize that for some time now. Otherwise, the as far as I know, borrowed one of the fastest in the last generation (of a colleague). in terms of cutting ability has not much (negative) to say. On a probably even weaker Calculator I cut to October last year, and before there were still vulnerable to Indigo iMac 500 MHz AMD. Final Cut Pro, speaks as only 32 bit, anyway not much more s.als your 2 GB Ram.
My individual sequences are in fact not more than 10 minutes, but it will already be some s.end. Now I am with 3 or 4
The nest is familiar to me from Aftter Effects. Nested is so far still nothing next. It may be that it seems to you.
There is much raw material, many individual clips. The material is FULL-HD, progressive. The amount of the raw material is insignificant. Whether in 1000 or three hours of short clips. It's who of whether the material was per-dialog reingeschleust import simple or logged
(Logging and Transfer is strongly recommended to). And the codec is important. For FullHD would be likely in an iMac or the AIC ProResLT.
It is possible to cut with a very weak Calculator a several hours long film in full HD and gelatinize to a new MacPro with a three-minute music video with many tracks and nesting so that it stuck. As well as OS and Software Calculator are standardized, one can say that the differences lie in the approach of the cutter.
The problem: when I export parts from other projects as independent films and new in the Master Project invite her to be cut again. For there are individual films, which were cut to the Music. Every single film has a different music. And the main movie has a different AGAIN Music. This means that the exported single clip, which already included several cuts, will never fit on the Music in the master project. There must be adjusted in any case and that is unfortunately not when there are already a clip ... I believe that people in Final Cut the boxes (eg not like to use in After Effects), not to cut in again. No good idea. If you have to cut on Music, import the clips from the Project and other
new cut. If you get stuck in a sequence when cut, forget it, and begin with the next partial sequence. When finished, cut to the top of the first fully. It is much faster and go much safer and
better. Cutting rather fast and sloppy and it several times. Discarding old versions as a whole, your visual memory has registered what was good for something. Patchwork on the other hand is botched.