Frage von ragnus:
Hello, who has knowledge / idea or experience with filming in small aircraft. And although I would like the one Sprechfunnk in the cockpit and with the respective local airport on the camcorder recording. Have the opportunity s.Headset with aufzustöpseln and here comes the problem that has even a headset with 5.2 mm jack for Microphone and Headphones 6.3 mm. Where there is such an adapter to XLR and / or 3.5 mm jack to come to the camcorder? As an addendum, the adapter must be the "whip" to work because the signal of the intercom still must go to the headset.
Thanks in advance
Antwort von Pianist:
Hello, who has knowledge / idea or experience with filming in small aircraft. And although I would like the one Sprechfunnk in the cockpit and with the respective local airport on the camcorder recording. Have the opportunity s.Headset with aufzustöpseln and here comes the problem that has even a headset with 5.2 mm jack for Microphone and Headphones 6.3 mm. Where there is such an adapter to XLR and / or 3.5 mm jack to come to the camcorder? As an addendum, the adapter must be the "whip" to work because the signal of the intercom still must go to the headset. You've given a number of problems: Flight is not public and therefore the recording is of course not allowed. Moreover, though the approval expires for the whole plane, if you instead of the approved himself a headset into the adapter jack einführst. If you let the radio traffic over a scanner and mithörst record, you have the registration problem is not, but stay in the criminal field. While it is always done again and the pursuit of pressure is not very big, but I would not let it arrive.
Legal remedy would be as follows: External Microphone connected s.die Camera, Microphone s.die densely earpiece of the headset, then the pilot should be little to say and then you turn later in the tower opposite the sayings of the page. Then you can give each umschneiden and both sides are well understood. Because I would like to have a relatively simple conversation to build, so the pilot requestet landing, the tower gives clearance and the pilot confirmed the release.
Antwort von steelbone:

Those of you described adapter pieces are fixed and ready to buy (Friebe aviation needs Mannheim zb.)
Whether now any approval or not is not known to me. As a pilot I would never allow me any amateur filmmakers a cable into the salad or Avionics NAVs and Com is ;-)
The best would be the radio nachzusprechen, or a scanner to take (which are synonymous NEN jack) --
But as pianist said: Flight radio authorization (during operation), whether a use of a recording which is synonymous, please ask when you s.besten LBA or Regt.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... Adapter pieces ... now some question whether the admission or not I do not know ... Nutz times the search: On this issue, there was at least a very detailed thread in which a pilot synonymous wrote. Since you have the info first hand then.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von steelbone:

Hi Bernd ..... I am a pilot ;-)
Antwort von Pianist:
PHPL And you're already on the R22 came out? :-)
Antwort von steelbone:

Only until the 44th .... R ;-)
Would like to correct times NEN Heli fly lol
Antwort von Pianist:
Would like to correct times NEN Heli fly lol Where to begin because you like a real helicopter? CH 53? Super Puma? :-)
Antwort von steelbone:

Everything Kickifax! Ne-Mil MI24 about what ... and ask all the coordinates of the tax offices! ;-) Aaarrrghhhh
PS. The thread moves from here ;-)
Antwort von steelbone:
Everything Kickifax! Ne-Mil MI24 about what ... and ask all the coordinates of the tax offices! ;-) Aaarrrghhhh
But yes, wär ne CH 53 was synonymous .... I can always take car and sailboat .... NEN 3 machines and cutting square ...
PS. The thread moves from here ;-)
Antwort von Pillermännchen:

If something no wings or clamping wires, that is, by definition, eh no plane, possibly a "flying machine".
zum Bild And why an entire aircraft to lose accreditation, because some times in the COM jack is inserted, we must still explain to me.
But please with Source.
"Small aircraft" refers to an "M" to register.
There is nothing under authorization.
Only one instrument standard must be met.
Most are there anyway Intercoms own buildings or works of small businesses without official authorization, but what the thing does not detract.
When I give legal Page Euch recht.
But I can hardly imagine that one for a short sequence will not release.
Antwort von WideScreen:

Unauthorized interception of messages by third parties with penalties
Electronic devices for listening to the radio communication and suitable for several years as a so-called radio scanners on the market, may not be used unauthorized interception. According to § § 148, 89 Telecommunications Act (TKG) is the interception of messages intended for the operator of the radio are not determined, or sharing of the contents of such communication or the fact of their reception with a prison sentence of up to two years or with fine documented.
With a radio may only be intercepted messages to the operator of the radio, radio amateurs, or the general public for an unspecified audience. .... Source:,d0d2d85f7472636964092d0936333139/FAQ/Funk-Scanner_uq.html
Since the message does not work for you is, and not synonymous for the spectators in front of the TV is probably illegal. But the other says as well as None, if you take a short excerpt from the no-safety-related data can be used. What times of the intercom is concerned ... so with his power on XLR then you should but the phantom power off, or else wars probably the last thing the pilot has heard. :)) Since I often include amateur radio activities, I have a radio (have license) with purchase of an adapter jack on the XLR and then s.die SQN. Goes great. Instead of the radio would be a scanner of course.
Antwort von DWUA:

WideScreen is absolutely right.
That you must not prevent the original sounds to publish
if you go about authenticity.
The mix makes it!
Before you endless flight procedures with supervisors and
Prosecutors begin, make it better this way:
Short O sounds (allowed) mixed with "Nachgesprochenem".
Own text (comment) makes the whole thing is not un-documented.
On the contrary.
And no man will hinder you may think aloud,
while you fly.
Antwort von brendan:

we must first prove it to you that the "radio traffic" really is and not nachgesprochen me two small radios or so ;-)
Antwort von WideScreen:
Own text (comment) makes the whole thing is not un-documented.
On the contrary.
And no man will hinder you may think aloud,
while you fly.
;) If it takes exactly, are you doing by the comment but not from the documentary reportage. Because the origin is a documentary without commentary. But that only incidentally:)