Frage von robertosh:
here the file is available for dowload:
s.heute 17:30 clock: (right mouse button and then click Load File ")
Would like to know whether and, if necessary, as you may appreciate the film.
Furthermore, I ask for a lot of (meaningful and helpful) criticism.
Antwort von Axel:

' ¬ kjk <b ^ jdxnhgflw # 023 + + lkoppppp8460 ################ ß4ßß4ohude
fhj03 ..,<<+ qwjhsgcvgzcxgwiqiwufhu
Antwort von robertosh:

Do not go there if you download with right mouse click "File" select?
Antwort von StefanS:
' ¬ kjk <b ^ jdxnhgflw # 023 + + lkoppppp8460 ################ ß4ßß4ohude
fhj03 ..,<<+ qwjhsgcvgzcxgwiqiwufhu I would have said something friendly, but I must admit, unfortunately, synonymous, that I apparently lack the intelligence part of the overall package, I need to disclose itself to me the deeper significance of this contribution. For this, I may well be expected to circumvent analytical thought, and with Language.
Antwort von Axel:
Do not go there if you download with right mouse click "File" select? It is a text file. Where's s.Mac?
Antwort von robertosh:

This is probably s.Format. Get the whole again .. reinstellen as quicktime pity. But thanks for pointing that out.
Antwort von VolkerS:

The link is already working, although this regard the film:
???????, Me because unfortunately I can connect only to the first sentence of StefanS.
Antwort von robertosh:

That you really just?? understand I can not imagine.
Antwort von Axel:

The second file, I can not open. Never of "rm" is one.
Antwort von VolkerS:
The second file, I can not open. Never of "rm" is one. RealMedia
Antwort von rush:

mhhhhh ..... So it really wants to open up to me the film and the issue still is not synonymous ... something .. confusing:)
Watch as rudimentary interpretation afternoon first one ...: the girl would like to wish the child of parents (such as the jungee / brother who is described ...) and wants more affection and the man with her sipelt (puppe. ..)? but the reality is different ... lol;) has no plan .. hehe
But from a technical as made her quite nice .. The musical support around;) or synonymous, the camera movements findsch quite nice .. so next! :)
Antwort von Axel:
The second file, I can not open. Never of "rm" is one.
RealMedia Look, I did not.
Idea / Story: 2 + (begr: interesting, exciting, sometimes depressing)
Camera: 2 + (small, meaningful movements, pleasant light)
Cut: 3 + (adequate, but conventional)
Sound: 3-4 (O-sound okay, dubbing at all sow, rather 5)
Facilities / design: 2 (very consistent, but nothing more)
Music: 1-2's for yourself,'ve got it partly understood as irony.
Cast: Child 2, mother and father are not assessable.
Overall: Thumbs up!
Antwort von Ephraim:

(with no claim to completeness)
1. What did the television looking at the threshing floor? It is expected that things get a function synonymous if they are already there, without hinzugehören as synonymous the straw.
2. Why is the rope of his father during the trip or the pan will disappear, but the mother remains, if not synonymous in the Picture hanging? At least that's the logical conclusion.
3. The beginning with the man himself indifferent creep does not dissolve.
4. In the crucial scene jolts the text. Then again some would have to be rotated (father s.Tisch) ...
5. The camera work is peaceful and not synonymous with no ideas.
6. The music selection may go, the M-Damaturgie not. The director has underestimated the effect, if he knows it.
The failure of the film seems to be the lack of narrative point of view of Directing. Synonymous so the audience knows not where he should be and can not decide. The synonymous statements above show the next, if they do not move in the nonverbal area.
The authors would be well advised if they are two stories have made. The first: Ambrose Bierce, "The incident on the Eulenflußbrücke", the second: Nicholas Katzenbach "Leutnand Yorck of Wartenberg. Both authors describe, not unrelated to each other, life in the moment of death. This film could have been very similar mean, you take the initial and final scene as a framework and considers the whole thing with a little philosophical indulgence.
It is encouraging to work, such as the present, here made any discussion. Then you should respond responsibly synonymous, because if the master falls from the sky, it can easily break something.
Antwort von Axel:
The failure of the film seems to be the lack of narrative point of view of Directing. Synonymous so the audience knows not where he should be and can not decide. The synonymous statements above show the next, if they do not move in the nonverbal area. I think the film should have inexplicability a nightmare. He plays with the fear of the child in front of Rejected Werden. For me it succeeded as a whole. A certain internal logic (see above) must still be. The balancing act between the surreal world of images and the desired clarity (and thus weight) of the expression has been overwhelmed others. Next time, choose perhaps a plainer subject?
Antwort von robertosh:

Thanks for the critique!
I am very pleased that the concept is still understood very well.
Of course it is in Scene 2 and 4 to a dream world. Since
The subconscious can not always explain rationally and to the
Illustrate the dream state, we have such a paradox in the 4th Scene is installed (mother, is also above) and certain things can not explain exactly synonymous. The 3rd Scene is then the only real scene. The 1st and 5 must / can be decided.
That with the M-drama, I do not know wikrlich. What does this mean? The music is really exaggerated. But if the music itself makes you tend to easily ;-).. will be better.
And what does that mean?
Sound: 3-4 (O-sound okay, dubbing at all sow, rather 5) Actually, no dubbing going on here. But pity if such sound: (
Antwort von Acer:

Hi, I've watched your movie synonymous, and was very impressed. At first I was 'n bissl' shocked why the father of the child at a time (kill is so, or). Overall, the film for me was a little confusing, but he expressed very well the surrealism of life and death. I did not quite understand why the father is suddenly no longer hung s.Strang and what the mother eventually had to do with the fact of the father.
The beginning was fantastic, just like on TV. Child folding boat, father of coming back. Camera angles have enjoyed it very much, has brought tension with. (Can you link the music? "I really liked the VERY!)
Way to go, and briefly explain to me again not understood the content. I really liked.
Antwort von robertosh:

synonymous now I know why some think, the film would be dubbed .. The soundtrack is slipping when exporting to RM format! The course looks stupid from ;-).. But I soon upload another version of qt-up for those who can not do anything with mp4 ..
@ acer: I am uploading an mp3 high, for taking in a few minutes
Antwort von Lawrence:

I share the opinion of Acer.
Because: The beginning of the film with the child s.dem Bach, the perspectives and the scene where the man arrives, already looks after more than just 'amateur'. And I must say that the exposure is so great, where the man arrives.
There are many movies where the meaning, not just want to make up (especially as I did yesterday 4 DVDs of the genres Mystery and Horror times). But still it is a shame that closed in the implementation of real good movies literary content (and you will only need to read the forum, what others think) ^ ^.
The synchro, as already mentioned, is a little unhappy advised s.Tisch especially where the father says.
As shown theatrically ugly scene, I would call this dispute s.Tisch, when the mother says the child should suffer, and they are trying to defend a little. This has everything a little wooden and badly made.
Ensure that the music itself was made, it pleases me synonymous. Especially the beginning is full of atmosphere.
Antwort von Axel:

What HEADLAMP were used?
By what means / programs, the music was made? Was there nameable role models?
Antwort von robertosh:

The film has provided us with various funding SH Arrilite800W available. The music was composed with Apple's Logic Express, the ingenious software instruments of "Symphony" and a midi keyboard. Of course, everything homemade, no loops oderso. The good s.Logic is that you can import some footage there, and then directly draufspielen can ". However, it takes a lot s.Zeit to understand the functioning of the program, even if one has worked many times with comparable Sequencer-/Midiprogrammen.
Antwort von PowerMac:

Very tricky with the monatge Trauwelt / Time / alternatives and locations.
A true causal relationship between drowning anschleichen father s.Strick hanging and the family situation does not exist. But wid this art, that one needs to worry about Gedanklen logical connections, a true idea, it's not ... it is interpreted. My understanding is already so complex that it is difficult to explain. I think the intention of the Directing is not synonymous been so clear. Do they not synonymous. It remains a Picture understandings of how it works. I was impressed by the months and the basic idea very much. Stimulated for thinking ...
Antwort von Axel:

For me, the film seems to still synonymous. Just not filmed with the rhyming joke punch line, but bulky and somewhat contradictory.
Yet hardly anyone has mentioned that this film the ideal of the "film look" pretty close to, so I like to know anything about the equipment, camera and sound. There's this for a few crumbs for me and the forum?
Antwort von Lawrence:

Aloah Axel,
I have deliberately not used the word with 'film look', because the times were simply too broad and contains too much synonymous trifles.
Good prospects, good motives, beautiful chamber leadership, but sometimes poorly-lit scenes but suffice synonymous as a description;)
Go to Music again, especially the mp3: the very beginning, I find it very consistent. The result is very beautiful 'mystical' atmosphere is created.
Antwort von Acer:

Since I make music, I can agree fully and completely Lawrence. What bothers me just the music s.Anfang is that the chimes (there was one?) Was a bit too loud for my taste, but the melody has a very nice reingebracht tension. Overall, I would play the piece but a little more evenly. But for a homemade piece is well done super. It has encouraged me to think. I have now synonymous understood the story, after the dialogues were louder.
Join my pre-scribe fully and completely to: Great camera work, nice shots looks like on television (the beginning with the child s.Bach that tinkering the boat) when the father came to me was the scene overall but a little too bright, since they seemed friendly, although I had a feeling of tension increase. In the post you would have maybe the scene with his father in the woods darken s.Anfang can (you know the scenes in Harry Potter 1, when Harry & Co. goes through the woods to go through their hard labor? "The scene was gehhalten in dark blue and had some spooky s.sich. s.Anfang That would give me very much.
Okay, enough written
Antwort von robertosh:

You that the movie "stimulating to think" and "nachwirkt" Of course I hear in this place. Also that he the "ideal of the film look" is relatively close, I am very happy.
To realize the whole way, I've turned SH s.The film funding. There you can rent very inexpensively. It has provided us with a Sennheiser directional microphone, Basket, Angel, sound mixer, Arrilite800W lights and one-Sachtler Tripod available. When served us an XL1S camera. The Resolutionist not get the best but we have good pictures. The post production I have done in Combustion. Gamma correction, color temperature, etc have supported the atmosphere desaturation yet. Also, I have so few errors in the background retouched) (to light areas. After that we went to Final Cut Pro for editing. Then I imported some scenes in Logic and the music composed and adapted. So far so good ..
Antwort von Axel:
... I have not used the word "intention with 'film look', because the times were simply too broad and contains too much synonymous trifles. In other words, the video / film, using all the parameters have been made that make narrative cinema / video. I think we see here often.
.... but sometimes poorly-lit scenes ... By what standards? Where exactly? Be specific.
Go to Music again, especially the mp3: the very beginning, I find it very consistent. The result is very beautiful 'mystical' atmosphere is created. Except for the s.Tisch takes all this works as a
silent film. The camera settings (and synonymous small beautiful movements by hand and by crane) convey emotions. I correct my first notes, I might have been still under the influence of asynchronous sound. Amazing.
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

Hello robertosh,
Just add my views on my speakers. I liked the video, if it is not synonymous to understand some easy to ...
But times s.alle a question:
Is it necessary to have to turn something like this surreal / can, if you want to go to film school? Or. learn there that Surrealism?
I turn or write honestly do not like something like this "dust / surreal" ...
Many dear greetings
Antwort von Axel:

Is now a ping-pong game between us.
Is it necessary to have to turn something like this surreal / can, if you want to go to film school? Or. learn there that Surrealism? No more than you in art class to paint surreal images get taught.
Surreal indeed is not necessarily synonymous with gloom. The best examples of conscious
istic surreal films (especially of Bunuel and Fellini) may not please everyone, I find them but not oppressive, consciously surrealist films are often Gesellschaftssatiren.
Please Consider what were the really impressive films that you've seen. I do not mean that with the best
special effects, but those who have touched you, you may have hours or days put in a good mood or you stirred up.
Then think about whether they were very strict and realistic films, or whether they had something of a dream, as if the
real issue would be found somewhere else too, and as if it were more powerful than the situation and the conflict between the characters.
The biggest impact has film when he is like a dream ambiguous picture shows stir the s.Emotionen. Even in a comedy or a love story.
Antwort von PowerMac:

Keywords XL1.
Now comes 28 days later on RTL. Even with the XL1 filmed. From Optics something better than this film ...;)
Antwort von Modehilli:

^ ^ Yes synonymous Had a 35mm adapter.
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

Hi Axel,
Thanks for your reply. So slowly I am learning to deal with the surrealism something better ...
But it's not that many "normal" viewer, so no film professors such a film would turn off the TV?
Surely there synonymous another very famous movies or series that have nothing of a dream, or not so go to the extreme. > 28 Days Later <h> The Ring. "
In both shooting one understands the basic meaning and interpretation need not spend hours in order to understand a little bit too. (Of course one can argue with little things, like he meant this or that.)
The ring is certainly something of a dream, but it is a "nightmare" that one could - if present synonymous abstract - into reality.
Hence actually produce the question of whether it is really worthwhile, such an intricate, surreal short film, which understand not only the Professor, who wants to interpret the video that "some level of looser" audience! (... In times of "Pro7 News Time" and RLT II reports)
Many dear greetings
PS: Many surrealist poets, writers, painters from the past had shown a schizophrenic! I think that's why I would not produce any "perfect" surrealist film ...
Antwort von robertosh:

It does not take a professor to understand the film. You're synonymous None, right? Sure, many may not see such things as light evening entertainment. However, the film is in fact not designed to. It takes some effort to embrace it and can contribute to hire synonymous times but receptive to the analytical skills to .. needs to happen do not even conscious. I think it's harder for me is that "satisfy niveaulos audience" appropriately. However, I can hardly escape.
Antwort von Lawrence:

Aloah robertosh,
I think it's harder for me is that "satisfy nivealose audience" appropriately. However, I can hardly escape. I think it is more difficult to bring over his own thoughts as synonymous understandable that the public understands synonymous. Because as a producer (or director etc) you know in your head, as the film is how it ends, who all play along, what will be used for dramatic means to implement certain accents. Sure, if a film is declared each new scene through a spokesman, then as a movie not exactly synonymous grenade ne;)