Frage von Pillermännchen:
hab me after a long struggle (synonymous with your help) to purchase the above camcorder determined.
Three questions remain:
There are problems with the warranty on the purchase German internet shops?
From the small local merchants wanted to or could I sell the Camera None of what I would actually prefer.
2. The device is with Li / ion battery.
Even Sony is precisely so in the headlines.
If you expand the original batteries back or are these things from the accessories just as safe / unsafe?
I want the things that mitbestellen.
The shipping container.
Bag or suitcase?
Those things are sometimes so little cheaper than an entry-level Handycam.
What should I do? The images on the Web, there are no meaningful and at the price you will already know what.
Schön, when one of his personal experience with his product could briefly describe.
Gruss Jens
Antwort von jomiho:

In my acquaintance, there is one that the FX1 has ordered over the Internet. Was a small dealer in southern Germany. That was amazing, which was the cheapest at the time.
There were times at the Camera, two months after the purchase any problem with the Firewire port and the camera had to be mailed.
on goodwill basis, then the camera against a brand new FX1 exchanged, because with the camera was hardly been filmed. It had, however, 4 weeks time. But otherwise, the handling problems. If the name of the distributor is requested, and after I ask of him later. And until today the camera is working properly.
However, when Z1 - the Professional variant - has been on Sonyeinen exchange service. Then a technician comes into the house and picks up the Sony Camera s.and If a loan is available. Who wants to earn money so that, with this variant is better served.
That dealer had cheap replacement batteries (Li-Io) in the offer. That piece for 60,00 ¬. A bargain in comparison to the original prices. The batteries are working properly.
In the transport you will already have to pay much more. A pocket for a camera of this size is not a mass product. About ebay can be quite cheap to acquire a bag.
But! Camera measured, and the inner dimensions of the bag ensured. The outer dimensions are irrelevant.
Antwort von Pillermännchen:

Short and precise
Thanks for your answer!
Greetings Jens
Antwort von Pillermännchen:

One more thing (before the ultimate right-click):
There is for a remote control camera. (RM-VD1)
According to a technical description Enes shops it is always with the camera.
According to the delivery but it is not.
The employees of the shops did not notice as synonymous.
The good thing was?
You should make sure that it is?
Antwort von ruessel:

For me, the RMT-840 infrared remote control here. Whether what is good? No idea is still untouched in my camera backpack.
Antwort von Pillermännchen:

Antwort von transsib:
1st [...] There are problems with the warranty when buying on German internet shops? From the small local merchants wanted to or could I sell the Camera None of what I would actually prefer. [...] If a technical device is something breaks, I send the unit directly in principle the service of the manufacturer. Even when I'm in a shop near me and bought then postage must be self-financing (in transit s.einen Versandhändler I have anyway). Why? A good dealer will send it anyway just next, so that an additional delay arises. A not so good dealer leads, because he does not want to burden with the manufacturer has sold s.den and the customers are stupid anyway, once himself a "Troubleshooting", of course without the appropriate measurement technology, expertise and documentation, through - if you're unlucky, you get because it is by something around the error could not reproduce the product unrepariert back and the game goes back off of the front or, worse, he "repaired" the unit itself (broken), making it synonymous nor Flute is warranty.
I am in this very burned (almost carbonized) child, so my obvious hint. ;-) If you already know that you have the FX1 want and need no advice, I would like to have the camcorder at an affordable buy mailers. Beware, however, that you are a reputable shipper layout. On many pages there are Preisvergleich synonymous reviews for Dealers.
Antwort von zadaritemnee39:

Thanks Oliver,
I've just ordered.
But I have an official Sony dealer said that the imported equipment is not Germany of the Sony warranty coverage.
The claims must then go to the shop probably durchdrücken in the hope that the warranty is still exists.
If the dead are there, you throw the device into the same s.besten tonne.
A procedure with evidence can take a few years you and your entire annual leave to spend with the lawyer.
And if you win, you know still not sure whether the bailiffs because what can get. If you remain synonymous still sit on the court.
In my view this is not necessarily, but it goes in the hands of an unknown store.
The other hand ..... who is lucky with a defect s.seinem new BenQ mobile phone .....
Antwort von transsib:

Hello Jens!
[...] But I have an official Sony dealer said that the imported equipment is not Germany of the Sony warranty coverage. [...] I have but with no word of any U.S. or Hong Kong imports spoken? My own Sony camcorder, I had at Media Online, the online show the median market orders. My Sony Digital knipsen at Amazon. In both cases it was quite normal European goods with normal warranty. If a dealer (non-EU) imports offer, it must clearly state this fact.
Gruß, Oliver