Frage von maikemaike:
I am of Adobe Premiere (PC) to Final Cut Express 4.0 (current-generation iMac) have changed and now Eindigitalisieren trouble. I've 35h material viewed on the TV and cut lists written synonymous to transcribe interviews. Now I wanted a log list, using the time to write code, but find myself in Final Cut Express can not handle.
In Premiere, it was possible without a tape, without In - and Out points directly s.Material set to be a log list manual to write and so offline-up files. So I was able to sequentially go through my lists, have the tape name in the fields timecode and names have entered and for all tapes in a short time all offline files created. Then I was able to a large batch and had to make only the relevant tape insert.
In FCE seems not to work. Here I must for the log list, insert the tape, look in - and Out points set and can not simply tape without the time codes. Because I have something wrong. Thus the function but completely superfluous. Because I'd be faster with direct recording.
In addition, FCE my camera just in the recording window (apple + 8) recognizes, but not in the 'Logging and Aufnehmen' window. Here I see no preview and have no control devices are available. What can be wrong there?
Or something I did not understand basics? Had super if you could help me. I'm quite desperate because I've seen 1.5 months and it looks as though this was almost superfluous, but if I now again must go through all the tapes.
Antwort von Axel:

The basis of Final Cut Pro:
%Ï "Cmd + 8" is the same as "Log and Capture".
%Ï Log Bin Set
File> New> Bin> Logbin set %Ï> File> New> New Clip Offline
%Ï Time code and description directly in the browser
%Ï All of the offline clips in the Browser
%Ï> File> Batch Capture
This works. By importing a finished EDL I know not enough. How they must be formatted, etc., I do not know: Manual.
Hopefully, FCE these functions, if not, maybe something's still helpful.
Antwort von maikemaike:

Thanks for the reply, but unfortunately can not FCE offline file to create. Only bins and sequences. Log in FCE seems simply not possible. Crap.
Antwort von Axel:

For this time the child fell into the fountain. Although yes you after your cut lists, the time code can run directly synonymous. Annoying, but not very much time. If FCE as Final Cut Pro DV / HDV start-stop detection dominated (inclusion attitude in logging and recording), I commend you for the future of the Rückwärtsloggen, in reality, most efficient way, many hours of material to sift through, to capture and sort. You are tested in direct-capture (if you s.einer better preview is situated, will you give a signal in parallel on the Camera s.einen monitor / TV) and make notes while you (only to the ongoing Clipnummern, the time code because you do not need to care). Before you tape the switch, after you delete all your notes useless clips of the plate, the rest of you to nominate and sortierst them in the browser folder. Per hour is the real-time plus 15 minutes. 35 hours would be so material within 44 hours of
- Sighted
- Gecapturet
- Named ( "back logged")
- Consolidated.
Other advantages:
- Protection of the playback device
- No time to disadvantage tapeless editing
Depending on the size of your iMac, of course, the space could become scarce. At the external disk was already on capture FW 400 with no problem, with 800 and certainly not ;-)