Frage von Mischerdd:
Hallo erst mal am new to this forum and had the same time a violent question.
Who can give me a tip as I did in After Effects, a signal light into a signal located in the film fit without them as a jumping ball
out and her jumps.
I already tried everything with individual Keyframeanimation per 2 sec, I have changed the value because the signal is indeed moving in the film and I out to play.
Even with motion tracking, I have tried it but no chance, the tracker will also jump out and her and if I did then on the plane with the light applying these jumps
same round.
So again my question kongret.
Is there a possibility of this light that I have provided a picture with an alpha channel be installed above position and scaling so that when the signal for me to play
synonymous with the layer above the top of the lamp uniformly moving to the end.
I thank you now and hope for good suggestions.
[/ img]
Antwort von Stefan:

Without at least a sample image can be as only conjecture.
1 / Scale Layer and move on keyframes. Can we do. Key frames every 2 s are probably too coarse, set the keyframes closer. Interpolierst you the movement between keyframes?
2 / motion tracking. Can we make synonymous. It can be quite a fiddling until you have optimal tracking results, especially for interlaced video. What subpixel accuracy, position and size of the tracking range, tracking on color and brightness ...
3 / Rotoskoping paint therefore individual in each picture. Still missing in your list. Can one make of Hand foot in each frame, or something automatically on the vector brush. Perhaps it is worth on the vector brush just a mask to paint.
When rendering you've Motion Blending s.oder from, or is the shaking of the greater variety?
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von Mischerdd:

Hi Stefan
until again, thanks for the quick reply.
Do you have a mail address then I'll send you the times and the start frame to end frame.
This Rotoskoping I have no idea.
Thanks Christian [/ img]
Antwort von Stefan:

I do not want pictures in my mailbox ;-) And the real pros here help yes, then do not ... If everyone can see the pictures, you can put it eg in
The fat Stefan