Frage von jaro:
does anybody know how and where the length / duration of individual frames can be adjusted if you want to import an entire picture opening sequence in Vegas 6 /? The default is 5 seconds. I do not want to trim each picture individually on the timeline, but all in one go.
Antwort von Mr Handbuch:

From the menu bar under "options / Preferences / Editing" at "new still image
length "simply enter your desired duration.
viel spaß
Antwort von Marco:

A whole image sequence is imported into Vegas on the main menu File / Open.
Here the first picture of the sequence is selected, then the bottom of the window "Open Image Sequence Stillimage turned on and there will be synonymous, the number of the last recorded image, if you do not want to import the entire sequence.
A change of image length is not necessary, since this is already created for the entire image sequence only a single event that represents all the images with each 1 frame.