Frage von Max:
Hi, I use Ulead Media Studio 7 After creating my Avi films from different computer that has a size of 4.9 gigabytes, but I want max. 4.3 GB to fit on one DVD. Can I achieve this in Ulead somehow?
How do I resize the AVI file s.besten, of course, with the least loss of quality.
Antwort von Fan29:

If you want to create a DVD you need MPEG2 files (no create Avis). This should solve the problem then synonymous with the size of the file as MPEG2 files are much smaller area than AVIs.
Antwort von Markus:

Hi Max,
It will be a DVD-Video? - Here
are a few details Video formats, etc.).
Antwort von Max:

Yes, I want to convey Avi File of PC to PC - just through the medium of DVD.
Because I want to have the same good quality (File) is playing through projector I wanted to leave it in avi format.
PC's, I unfortunately can not connect directly.
Antwort von PowerMac:

Correct: a data DVD you want?
Export the manure from Ulead again re out. In a somewhat lesser quality.
Thereafter, only the quality rumkonvertieren break makes.
"An AVI" says something like "a car". What is in the AVI in it? What exactly? DV?
I would at least export out of Quicktime. Then you can adjust the "something better".
Antwort von Chris2:

Simple frame-accurate in two AVI files split and spread over two DVDs. Guess times are s.dass the DV-AVI ... since you have such or such a fixed data rate and no way to establish such a stronger compression.
And a recompression would be nonsense.
Antwort von PowerMac:
Simple frame-accurate in two AVI files split and spread over two DVDs. Guess times are s.dass the DV-AVI ... since you have such or such a fixed data rate and no way to establish such a stronger compression.
And a recompression would be nonsense. DV is not necessarily 25 Mbps. Can you compress synonymous stronger!
Respectively. poor quality could be exported easily with slightly stronger data-compression. This does not take long synonymous!
Antwort von Chris2:

And how and where do I adjust something? Work with the MainConcept DV codec and then a function I've never run across ...?!
Antwort von Kiara Borini:
Yes, I want to convey Avi File of PC to PC - just through the medium of DVD. An excellent opportunity has Scenalyzer. Easy AVI without any loss of quality on a CD or DVD size split. They can then easily than Scenalyzer synonymous in the correct order to play back onto tape
Antwort von WeiZen:

or arithmetic
a DV AVI Type 1 1GB = 4min40sek
2GB = 9min20sek
Now in MSP7 a marker s.der appropriate place 18m40s = 4GB,
and create two clips. On the other PC you can then join again. Is there any video editing program, then take a compression program, WinZip, WinRar, etc. and choose to pack a certain file size. Burn the parts of the archive to DVD and extract them again on the target computer.
Antwort von Markus:
Simple frame-accurate in two AVI files split and spread over two DVDs. To this end, another info: (AVI) files with 4 GB can indeed burn to DVD, however, may no longer be completely read out.
See synonymous:
DV-AVI Simply cut + archive on DVD