Frage von Horny LaBelle:
Hi, I'm looking for a software for Windows, with one slide in
High Resolutionfür a good projector can produce. It should
Crossfades, titles and adding of music and commentary on
a soundtrack to be possible. Has someone an idea?
Antwort von Guido Ostkamp:

Horny LaBelle
> Hi, I'm looking for a software for Windows, with one slide in
> High Resolutionfür a good projector can produce. It should
> Crossfades, titles and add music and comments of
> On a possible soundtrack. Has someone an idea?
I would you recommend Photodex ProShow Producer:
If you like the price is too high, there is something down the synonymous
Gold Option:
Both are available on the website each promo-demo shows the
Reputation (you need a small plugin for it only
Windows) and synonymous many of other users created:
Antwort von Frank_Müller:
"Horny LaBelle" wrote
> Hi, I'm looking for a software for Windows, with one slide in
> High Resolutionfür a good projector can produce. It should
> Crossfades, titles and adding of music and commentary on
> A soundtrack possible. Has someone an idea? is cheap but not quite in the full version.
Antwort von Steffen Huber:
Horny LaBelle wrote:
> Hi, I'm looking for a software for Windows, with one slide in
> High Resolutionfür a good projector can produce. It should
> Crossfades, titles and adding of music and commentary on
> A soundtrack possible. Has someone an idea?
I accidentally the last "few" days with the creation of a
such Slideshow spent. I have a whole lot of software
tested and found only one that reasonably reliable
and of the usable surface was: DiaShow of Aquasoft
(in my case a kind of OEM version called X-OOM Photoshow TV 2).
Is rather slow when exporting to DVD (in my case at
AMD Sempron 34003:10 h slideshow for 70min), and on slow
Computers (sub 2 GHz) does not fit the preview (the fading effect
Jerkiness then as addictive), but otherwise fit.
Steffen Huber
hubersn Software -
Antwort von Bernd Nomi:
Steffen Huber wrote:
> Is quite slow when exporting to DVD (in my case at
> An AMD Sempron 34003:10 h slideshow for 70min), and on slow
> Computers (sub 2 GHz) does not fit the preview (the fading effect
> Jerkiness then as addictive), but otherwise fit.
if the images are not qualitatively be ruined, is a
Powerpoint presentation with as much more likely than any
Program, the resulting DVDs (such as for video) is burning. The rendering takes
not only long but synonymous versaut images so that they
not really want to watch.
Antwort von Bernd Nomi:
Horny LaBelle wrote:
> Hi, I'm looking for a software for Windows, with one slide in
> High Resolutionfür a good projector can produce. It should
> Crossfades, titles and adding of music and commentary on
> A soundtrack possible. Has someone an idea?
> Greeting
Powerpoint can do everything.
Otherwise I was very smart of the software Magix, which is called "Photos
on CD and DVD deluxe ".
It is because all sorts of gimmicks and one can make a s.Ende
"MIX-DVD" can be created. Then the show on both the silver
as a DVD (for playback on any DVD player) as synonymous as
Pictures show the PC using the best quality can be played.
In addition, the original images in a backup directory
secured. So I found the program very useful and who is already
with video editing programs know something, does not need a long
Familiarization period.
Antwort von Guido Ostkamp:
Steffen Huber wrote:
> I have a lot of software testing and found only one,
> The reasonably reliable and of the usable surface
> Was: DiaShow of Aquasoft
When I was looking for, was still at version DiaShow XPfive and many
In the Manufacturer forums notes that presentations rather
Jerkiness would (probably what it was that this software is not by
Direct-X etc. of the special capabilities of graphics cards use
able) and then turned the competition.
Understandably were references to competing products in the
Manufacturers Forum quickly censored.
Are these problems with the current DiaShow 6 now actually
Antwort von Guido Ostkamp:
Bernd Nomi wrote:
> If the image quality not to be ruined, is a
> Powerpoint presentation with as much more likely than any
> Program, the resulting DVDs (such as for video) is burning. The rendering
> Not only lasts long but the images synonymous versaut such that
> You do not really want to watch.
One must not do so synonymous. The OP wanted high resolution, not
DVD resolution. Furthermore you need for presentation purposes but
no film to render this field ranges from a presentation module. In the
Rule, the self-shows create slideshows (exe's)
or at least those with the help of a plug or
Standalone program can be played.