Frage von WaDa:
I want to copy video files to CD or DVD and watch it on my DVD player without me convert a program to VCD, SVCD or DVD movies.
When those video files in an MPEG-1 container I can choose s.DVD Players and press "Play" to play them. If the files are ONTAINER in AVI, they are not recognized by the DVD player.
Is there a software, if possible freeware that reads an AVI video files of container and in an MPEG-1 container write?
I would be grateful for a tip.
Antwort von Stefan:

Yes for that you need an MPEG1 encoder. [/ url] "]
bbMPEG 1.24b18 - latest beta, free MPEG-1 / 2 encoder
HC 0.15A - free high quality. AVS to MPEG-1 / 2 encoder
QuEnc 0.61 - free high quality. AVS to MPEG1 / 2 encoder based on ffmpeg
Quicktime plugin for TMPG - allows you to convert MOV to MPG / AVI in TMPG
ReMPEG2 1.5.2 - MPEG2 Transcoder
TMPGEnc - note: MPEG-2 support expires after 30 days
Um. This of course is meant for Windows Calculator. For Mac and Linux ... There are other solutions.
Good luck
The fat Stefan