Frage von juppel:
Have a mini dv gift get JVC GR-DVL357, but unfortunately without SoftwareCD! 've searched the net but found nothing! who can help ????? Thank you
Antwort von VolkerS:

With the software, I can not serve, but you need the stuff on the CD that normally anyway. To view the movies via firewire to the PC you can play on any editing program with capture feature (almost all, such as synonymous of the included Windows Movie Maker.). Even the (evnetuellen) other things like pictures on the PC to draw ect. are typically board with funds to make.
Antwort von juppel:

Yes, the camera is connected via usb and my laptop always says unknown device
Antwort von Eva Maier:

If not a coincidence here has the same camera, you need to JVC or or similar look if you get a USB driver is otherwise as described Firewire announced.
Antwort von Eva Maier:
Without words
Antwort von juppel:

yes is beautiful but not in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ohne worte myself !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Antwort von Eva Maier:

If you have something flexible and good will, it is because of hope
/ Eve
Antwort von juppel:

sitting here all day and not come next !!!!!!!
help me because no cool synonymous claims
Antwort von Bernd E.:

If your laptop has no Firewire port, or why you are trying so desperately to the makeshift USB to activate instead of the whole thing with the port to be resolved, the thought is just Firewire?
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von juppel:

Thank you, I will do, however, had only a usb cable to !!!!!
Do I just thursday in the ... go market
danke nochmal
Antwort von Eva Maier:

If you're smart you would have been wert For JVC compatriots,
and the Drivers probiert
Signature = "$ CHICAGO $"
Class = usb
ClassGUID = (36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000)
provider =% MSFT%
LayoutFile = Layout.inf
%% = MfgName JVC
% USB \ VID_04F1 & PID_0001.DeviceDesc% = JVCDSC.Dev, USB \ VID_04F1 & PID_0001
% USB \ VID_04F1 & PID_0004.DeviceDesc% = JVCDSC.Dev, USB \ VID_04F1 & PID_0004
HKR,, NoSetupUI,, 1
JVCDSC.Files.Ext = 10, System32 \ Drivers
JVCDSC2.Files.Ext = 10, system \ iosubsys
USBSTOR.CopyList = 10, system32 \ drivers
;-------------------- Windows98 section -----------------------;
CopyFiles = JVCDSC.Files.Ext, JVCDSC2.Files.Ext
AddReg = JVCDSC.AddReg
DisplayName =%% JVCDSC1.SvcDesc
Service binary =% 10% \ System32 \ Drivers \ JVCDSC1.SYS
LoadOrderGroup = Base
HKR,, DevLoader,, * ntkern
HKLM, "System \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ JVCDSC1 \ Parameters", "Install", 0x10001, 77
HKLM, "System \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ JVCDSC1 \ Parameters", "DiskMakeFirstInstallDelay", 0x10001, 3000
HKLM, "System \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ JVCDSC1 \ Parameters", "DiskMakeOtherDelay", 0x10001, 300
HKLM, "System \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ JVCDSC1 \ Parameters", "InstallVxdPath ",,"% 25% \ system \ iosubsys \ JVCDSC2.VXD"
;------------------- Windows2000 section ----------------------;
CopyFiles = USBSTOR.CopyList
AddReg = USBSTOR.AddReg
Addservice = USBSTOR, 0x00000002, USBSTOR.AddService
DisplayName =%% JVCDSC.SvcDesc
ServiceType = 1
StartType = 3
ErrorControl = 1
Service binary =% 12% \ Usbstor.sys
HKR,, Driver Flags, 0x00010001, 0x00000003
;------------------------------------------------- --------------;
MSFT = "Victor Company of Japan, Ltd.."
MfgName = "Victor Company of Japan, Ltd.."
USB \ VID_04F1 & PID_0001.DeviceDesc = "JVC DV Camera"
USB \ VID_04F1 & PID_0004.DeviceDesc = "JVC DV Camera"
JVCDSC.SvcDesc = "JVC DV Camera"
Antwort von PowerMac:

Troll or Gehirnamputierte?