Frage von gary28:
Try in vain to get my movies of a Grundig Camera on the PC. I have a normal cinch connection of the camera on the PixelView TV card of. The software "PixelView PlayTV Pro V9.01" I try and follow the film, but the sound is not recorded.
Now I've found the Web version 8.01 of the software. With this version I can only record the sound but no picture. is really weird.
With the audio version only works capture and the other version only works with the video. Capture.
Something was wrong ... but what do I do?
I can watch my movies with sound, although the PC, not save them.
Does anyone have the same problem?
Or someone knows a simple freeware which I can capture just the movies.
I bought myself a PC because of my camera, so I can edit my movies.
Need urgent help
Antwort von steveb:

somehow smells like an audio driver confusion ... it could be that the audio device settings are set differently in the versions instead of the TV card or sound card (you still have one) is activated ...
The camera has no USB or Firewire?
Antwort von gary28:

The camera has only RCA jacks, no firewire and no USB.
Sure, I have a sound card.
Incidentally, I have the audio cable card plugged the camera into the audio input on the TV and then I have a cable connection of the audio output of the card inserted to the audio input of the soundcard, so I can hear anything of the film.
Do I now take the audio driver to adjust the TV card or sound card?
Antwort von steveb:

I would only use the audio ports the sound card in the host program and make sure that they are synonymous only enabled. Apparently, the different Programs with your "durschleifkonstellation not get" clear. Each tool should provide synonymous settings for audio are available individually. Alternative (synonymous if that does not help), I would just try it again with the TV audio card.
Antwort von gary28:

Yes funzt it now! I now only the audio input of the TV card and audio capture using the INPUT set.
Thanks again for your help!