Frage von Placeb0:,1518,425017,00.html
Since I was a long time on the search for Copyright free oldies, I was very excited when I found the article on and the associated link. I chose a small video project for the title
Over There Enrico Caruso of
The is apparently Contend ID - System of Youtube is, partly free access
and part of SME (Sony Music Entertainment?) protected
My question therefore: Is it possible to use the song, since he is legally, is not copyrighted anymore? And if so, why is the song in the 2nd Link unavailable? Why does this not to access public domain?
Thank you apologize in advance,
Antwort von Pianist:

You should, if you'd like to talk in Germany on copyright issues, use noenglischen terms. With us there is neither a "copyright" nor "public domain".
If the settings are longer than 70 years dead, the work is public domain. You can then use it freely. This applies only if you play it yourself. Do you want to use an existing recording, then you need to ask again where synonymous, because there again synonymous rights of other people are concerned.
Antwort von Placeb0:

Hmm, thank you first for the answer. In this case the recording artist for nearly 90 years is dead, a Copyright (According to American and German law) to text and melody seems (according to my research) to exist but because the author Cohan died only in 1942 and therefore the legal situation is different . Was probably too good to be true.
Frustrating that it is not possible without enormous financial outlay s.nicht protected recordings of early blues / jazz / rockabilly to come.
Antwort von dienstag_01:

If your video project is not meant commercial, because I would not make such a head drum. Especially if you do not want to use the song for anything but make a video for this song (so I've at least understood). So a kind of interpretation.
Antwort von Pianist:
If your video project is not meant commercial, because I would not make such a head drum. Please do not give such dangerous tips. It is completely no preference as to whether he deserves it Money or not. If a copyright violation is committed at first, then you are in a very bad position. If you ask But first, you can still negotiate and if necessary, do without.
Antwort von Placeb0:

Kommerzielll if the whole theory at least, because I prefer for the future of Youtube Partnership considered. Therefore the copyright concerns.
In a pinch I could with my e-guitar synonymous import even more in the direction of early rock / blues and use, in this way would lose the project but its authenticity.
Since the copyrights to most of the songs this time (even those in which the singer is already 70 + years is dead) is due to some stupid legal niches gone still not apparent, it will certainly run out on it.
Antwort von dienstag_01:
Please do not give such dangerous tips. I have given this dangerous TIP only because the government here has often been incurred one-sided view from the perspective of the possible owners seems to be the subject of not quite fair.
The whole is much more complex and much more gray area than is heard.
A few days ago I read that had a Canadian girl with a song of Lady Gaga over a million clicks on Youtube and then stand with the singer on stage.
I personally never posted a year ago a video on Youtube, which uses music to a recent American artist. Is synonymous in the credits. I can see the video of the search engine under the name of the artist. Nothing happened.
Such - and I find important artistic - views are underrepresented here. Spend too much fear, too many restrictions.
Since nothing is created synonymous.