Frage von diesel:
Dear forum user,
you have to ask surely öffters answered but unfortunately I have about 2.5 hours according to google, forums etc. infinite still can not find good help.
So now my question, I have a Sony CCD - TR840E (analog Camecorder) of Hi8 video recording.
I have before my recorded movies in next time on the PC to draw and edit (if possible). Then I would like to the movies on DvD burn.
Now maybe some important info on my PC:
Terratec Cinergy 600 TV card is installed
Grafigkarte: Radeon 9000 series
Intel 4 with 2.56 GHz.
Sunday. my idea is possible only once? and if so what do I need?
Please help mfg Diesel
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... unfortunately I have about 2.5 hours according to google, forums etc. infinite still can not find good help ... If you were going to come Slashcam! Here you will be helped ;-)
... ... Hi8 videos to DVD burn ... what do I need?
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von diesel:

hallo, have
grade nor the discovery here:
DIGITUS USB 2.0 Video Grabber a possibility?
otherwise it would be a question what with a multimedia hard drive?
Complement of mod: Links with excess length please via [url] statement shorten.
Antwort von Markus:
Perhaps the first issue of which quality will be achieved if a comfortable Machinability of digitized images is important and what to cut the price of required analog / digital hardware can be made?
Otherwise would have in the link of Bernd already dringestanden everything ...
Antwort von hhmb:
Perhaps the first issue of which quality will be achieved if a comfortable Machinability of digitized images is important and what to cut the price of required analog / digital hardware can be made?
Okay sry, I would have a lot of light to be shed before.
since we opened in recent times with our friends and our children and ourselves s.Wochenende take videos of old grease, etc. Watch. And I'm usually the Camecorder s.Tv then (107cm panasonic plasma), I was with the quality really satisfied.
So now I'm not necessarily drauf newest addition to have HD quality, or the razor sharpest images. We should stop the film may well see;) not so verpixelt Total doer so;)
Antwort von Markus:
So now I'm not necessarily drauf newest addition to have HD quality, or the razor sharpest images.
This is realistically not possible at all synonymous. If one consumer analog video recordings digitized really good, you can usBildfehler such as color shift and minimize image noise, but you can from an analog video of this kind do not do HD.
However, it can happen very quickly but that the next Picture s.Qualität loss, verpixelt or Picture-/Tonsynchronität flutes with increasing maturity goes. For example this is the case when one TV card or cheap Videograbber for digitizing begins. The partly very reasonable prices finally come of no accident.