Frage von Gerhard R:
I hope I have finally found the right forum :-)
My ancient Sony CCD - V8EK camcorder does not move anymore. Is simply dead, synonymous with the power in the battery compartment. Now came the part about 5 years before the last test run but still proper. A mechanical fault is unlikely.
Question s.die experts here: there is something like the "usual suspects"? Has one ever experienced something similar and found the cause?
Capacitor out?
Condensation detector? (of course was dry stored)
Thanks for your tips.
Background to the Question: I would prefer to sell the thing as a throw away - that it is too bad, as good as it looks :-)
Merci and Gruß, Gerhard
Antwort von Markus:

Hello Gerhard,
very likely applies to the aging of the electronics. This gives the camcorder during the years of storage, quietly, secretly and silently blessed the time.
A repair would be theoretically possible, but far from being profitable.
Antwort von Thilo:

small addendum:
the contacts in the battery compartment was corroded. More was not broken :-))
Antwort von Markus:

Lucky! Have fun even with the camcorder. :-)