Infoseite // Sony HC17E camcorder, problems with firewire, transfer to PC fails

Frage von Christian + Yvonne:

Dubbing the filmed material to the PC is terminated according to the different periods of the connection. It is therefore not possible to dub the film of the camera to your PC to edit it there or burn if necessary.
We suspect that it fails s.der Firewire, because the PC has the necessary capacity. But perhaps it is synonymous s.etwas else.


Antwort von steveb:

"Christian + Yvonne" wrote: We suspect that it fails s.der Firewire, because the PC has the necessary capacity. But perhaps it is synonymous s.etwas else.

hmm .... you meant a "firewall". or you thought the Firewire port (4 pin or 6 times between the Camera and PC hangs)?

one plays only with access eg firewall networks and / or Internet access a role. In video transmission this is done via USB or firewire. If demolition of a data transfer of video data at present, we should be able to narrow this error.

Describe to us your configuration, Termination Camera / PC and a little more closely the error situation.


Antwort von holymoly:


I have the same problem. short time after the firewire establishing a connection to the pc and after starting the recording of the premier pro recording is stopped and the connection offline. reproducing the camera is running next anyway, but it is not that what you see on the pc or can absorb. when is it the camera switches off the connection again and again because softort and we again try to start the recordings. going into the regular synonymous - the duration of the recording time varies while (after several attempts) uwscihen 10 seconds to about 3 minutes - the longer I'm still hinbekommen nich.

But I think once that is the power of s.der pc, for all the devices are new. there is still plenty of hard drive space (about 40 gb). I use to capture nen pentium 4, 1.6 Ghz, 1 Gb Ram and 120 Gb hard drive ne. Camera is a sony dcr hc 44 and ne new standard usb 2.0 / firewire card. quality of short pieces is great but just too short.

well, I'd go ne cpu speed would be determined, but it needs to go yet different. or has someone the same problems with nem pc faster?

grateful for any help - jan


Antwort von 3PK:


Fights have 3 days with the same problem as you. I turned off my virus scanner, my disk defragmenting, tested various settings, unfortunately, all without satisfactory results. It's like a spell with the thing!

For me, the period is synonymous always between 3 to 10 minutes.

Once I can get even 40 minutes s.Stück.

Synonymous use the Adobe Premier Elements 1.0, but it has been synonymous with Pinaccle Studio ver 7.0 tried with the same result.

I do not think that it is s.unseren PCs. I suspect rather slowly, which makes the internal software of the camera trouble.

If I could I would shit this thing (excuse me, but my patience is so easy s.end with that part again) to throw back on the counter.

My last attempt is now time to send in the Camera on Granti, or has someone else a life-saving idea??

Liebe Grüße



Antwort von 3PK:

Oh sorry got a AMD Athlon XP 2600, with 1.2 GB of RAM and ample hard drive capacity, the latest DirectX, etc. So as I said, s.den PC's it is not my opinion, the PC should already can join.


Antwort von steveb:

limit access to such problems schonmal, recommended (always try the following before anything is posted, etc.)

We close our Camera s.einem other PC use (please same cable). If the error still there, we can further focus the search to the external hardware! Not true? If it sparks any problems, we can look next s.PC.

And now you!


Antwort von holymoly:

if the other pc connects s.nem gehts - that there is indeed a different system but it works - but not with me. I have my ideas s.end. hab jetz installed paer hand a few more updates windiows synonymous defragmented, but it still does not - there must be something with the system going - I'm just nich so sure what has to do with external software. Configure more likely with windows (msconfig or so) or with the firewire card. But I know no more rat and the need aufnahemn until next week. son kack everything goes just nich the capture. as the last instance I will probably s.capturen just perfectly normal. but that must surely be nich dv cam with megapixel ner.


Antwort von Markus:

"holymoly" wrote: hab jetz paer hand a few more windiows updates installed ...
As might well be the problem. On your calculator does not run randomly WinXP/SP2?

More (not only) to:


Antwort von 3PK:

I really exhausted all possibilities before I made the decision to send in the camera.

Pc re-installed with all possible XP upgrades and even the FireWire of Microsoft patch installed, without success exchanged, cable. And YES it is installed SP2, but it can not be that I should uninstall this again so I can get my videos to my PC. There must be a solution for!

Virus scanner is turned off, firewall is synonymous wech etc.

What Microsoft has Wasserköpp on the world ganezn lumbered with such problems are resolved and XP is not even yesterday in the market.

Well, the part s.besten in Ebay flogged and waived that makes no fun anymore ooooder good on the old VHS-switching system that works, at least!



Antwort von Markus:

"3PK" wrote: Yes it is installed SP2, but it can not be that I should uninstall this again so I can get my videos to my PC. There must be a solution for!
That you can believe or not synonymous. What is the background of all the magic, you pack everything: First of all I would like to very sincerely thank you ...

Why SP2 will be good, I could not even explain my computer expert - who swears to the necessity of this service pack! But what can I say: (On any of my calculator all WinXP) running SP2. And now I have a problem? - No, because I can finally capture indeed. ;-)


Antwort von Jan:

Yes the best is to point the Panasonic and Sonyin documents to the consumers of their software to SP 2, which means it is needed! So how many of us do not understand.

Panasonic synonymous points to the latest version of DirectX, always synonymous important to check the cables carefully, I had rausgebrochen lately frequent faulty FW bushings, Sony & Panasonic - Locker / bent etc.



Antwort von Markus:

"Jan" wrote: ... I had rausgebrochen lately frequent defective FW bushings, Sony & Panasonic - Locker / bent etc.
Well, the product quality just drops to the same extent as the price. And those who supported as a consumer, can not complain afterwards.

"Search your camcorder up to max. 300 ¬" ;-)


Antwort von wolfgang:

[quote = "Mark"] "3PK" wrote: Why SP2 will be good, I could not even explain my computer expert - who swears to the necessity of this service pack!

And so far I have only SP1 - and install them if necessary, to individual drivers (such as for the HDV camcorder). At least that is until a software update once I probably could force really to SP2. Or you can stop, desist on this software ...


Antwort von Markus:

Alternatively, one could, depending on the application, synonymous to boot two different operating systems knit what I've read on several occasions here in the forum.

Or you're working with two different images, which airs it as needed. My Image software I use regularly, because I back out and try out new software. To collect any past corpses on the calculator is not synonymous, and I'm taking the risk that after something does not work anymore. ;-)


Antwort von holymoly:

s.wochenende times I have taken time and tried it once.

I uninstalled the service pack 2 fully and then tried. it has, at least for me, nothing to do, because synonymous with no service pack 2, the camera again after a few seconds separated from the system.

Now anyone still has one or several other suggestions of what you can still try - and while s.diesem pc s.einem and not others, wants to buy because I'm so not so nen neuen pc.


AT LEAST DO I HAVE NOW NEUS VERY unpleasant problem:


Antwort von Markus:

"holymoly" wrote: So it can s.graka drivers are or not? "I mean - is rather unlikely, but you know that determines the better!
The ugly is s.PCs of losing the hardware and software combinations to infinity - and possible sources of error that, unfortunately, synonymous. Of course, a link between GraKa-Drivers and Firewire could consist of non-function, just as there can be hardware conflicts or on some computers the onboard firewire port does not work, an extra FireWire card, however dazugesteckte know ...

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Antwort von holymoly:

ok - I've synonymous finally able to solve this problem, with the faulty firewire transfer and ash on my main - such a big problem.

htmlTOC.html s.alle which selvbe the problem seem to have - time, please check whether or not random other equipment s.der pci card is connected via firewire to your device you want to connect with the pc - ie it lags for me . yes, yes I huer riegoros asserts "if firewire not working properly" threat would not help me, but then he has indeed done so.

for me it was in fact the problem that the firewire/usb2 pci card internal ports available. s.einem and this depends on the internal ports usb wireless dongle. well, and this has disturbed the data stream - the map does not come clearly to the fact that two different signals simultaneously usb (pronounced go in and firewire) and must be processed. The firewire connection was simply canceled. so simple.

but it was not my error, because there s.internen usb port that the WLAN is off, was the idea of my father's, dongle usb wireless s.den of the board frontside USB1.0 port of the internal usb 2.0 pci card has reconnected without them I know what.

If ebenfals-problem-holder but also have an onboard firewire port, synonymous can still be that someone else onboard usb input (, card reader, etc.) is in action.

[I just had to simply disconnect the wlan connection, it was ud]

Thanks for all the help - jan


Antwort von oliver II:

Hello Hoymoly!

Zuersteinmal Congratulations on your success!
And then just another BIG LOB for your description of your solution! sa: =



Antwort von 3PK:

Hi folks, I have become synonymous to report a small success.

I connected my camera with the PC and only then turned on him and had to say and write 40 of stream 50 MIN s.Stück. I can explain it to me but not really

Synonymous still have an old USB hub (USB 1.0) s.System hang, maybe makes me synonymous of the aforementioned problems. This will be my next attempt




Antwort von steveb:

"oliver II" wrote: Hello Hoymoly!

Zuersteinmal Congratulations on your success!
And then just another BIG LOB for your description of your solution! sa: =

unterschreib! :-)


Antwort von holymoly:

so happy - I could not always hope that people respond to like, "so I hinbekommen habs alone. but thanks for the help useless without you" or even omit the answer completely. because I guess such a forum is not only there to ask to ask.

the world will finally well!


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