Frage von florianst:
I want an open in Vegas (; they say so do), much like he s.Anfang in this video is:
It must of course not be so professional;)
Can you tell me how to sowas s.besten concerns? Are there any tutorials maybe? I would cut the whole happy with Vegas, as I have the program.
Thank schonmal!
Antwort von Marco:

With bump-mapping for pseudo-3D-Font, track-motion animation for the writing and Noise textures for the background.
Antwort von 02VideoFaBI:

The opener on Youtube looks a lot like AfterEffects (; from or tutorial of Andrew Kramer) ...
Antwort von Lutz Dieckmann:

we have exactly this subject a tutorial with Sony Vegas. Show it to you just in time. Although it is not explicit on the subject of trailers, but the methods are the same.
Otherwise you will find on our DVD section more tutorials that go well in your direction. Or looking at you (on our page, see signature), our trailer.