Frage von nele41:
here is a more complex problem:
got sony vegas pro 9 Trial Version and let synonymous purchased version (upgrade of Pro8) running on different PCs and still trails restored so that my current project file to run (ca.20GB raw material, which will still be used in the Project max.10GB grad mal).
PROBLEM always the same: as soon as the project file on 140 / 150 KB (equivalent to approximately 10 minutes without Gosse Film Effects) is large, I can not work out, because it's frozen. Even at the smallest steps, such as Clear Clipgruppe in a cutting stick freezes the program and it seems only the hourglass.
I did a test synonymous with 4GB Ram and a new hard drive and made again and again the same result.
Now I suspect that, that are actually s.Programm must!
Has anyone had similar experiences with Pro 9?
I have the raw material (AVCHD) nich previously compressed and then recorded it directly because I wanted to keep the best quality. But have previously always cut with Premiere and do not know me so well with Vegas ..
Unfortunately, I have a movie as good as finished cut, when suddenly the problem appeared and the film needs to be done.
I was thinking all the time in media project Pro8 synonymous copy if it angeblih not backwards compatible ... but I have no other choice it seems ... And the film Neuschneiden in another program that I have not, and is expensive, it seems impossible.
Would be very grateful for the help:)
Antwort von Marco:

Can you provide the project file to download?
Antwort von nele41:

yes, I could ... why?
is 234 KB.
Antwort von Marco:

Because it would tend to analyze what could be the reason for the problem. Because this is not normal. Also project files of several MB in size can usually be completely stable process, if it is synonymous AVCHD.
Is it the 32-bit version or 64-bit version of the program? And what exact version it is) (what build?
Antwort von nele41:

It is the Vegas Pro 9.0c 32bit trial version (and the 8 synonymous upgrade to 9, have tried both).
Here you will find my project file:
I hope this works ...
Antwort von Marco:

Whether that has to do with the error, I do not know, but I personally would use in all file names and Pfadbezeichnungen no characters like dot, comma, exclamation points, spaces, brackets, accents, hyphens. In your project, there are hardly any file or a path with no such signs.
"I have the raw material (AVCHD) before nich compressed and then recorded it directly" But there is apparently no AVCHD raw material, because that would have the file extension ". Mts" or ". M2ts". There are only louder MPEG files. This can hardly be AVCHD.
Antwort von nele41:

And what I do now?
Antwort von Marco:

Which video format for the clips? Why are MPEG files, if the original AVCHD?
Antwort von nele41:

I do not know why the mpg's ... When I connected the camera (SonyHDR SR5E) s.meinen PC have to import the files because I have the very naive and just simply connect with the included software easily imported ... no idea ... this is already now her ne ... because I did not understand what the import or something?
Or the default setting for the Camera? was thinking we can only take the camera with AVCHD and ihc can only decide what quality and so I have SD, qualitiy high, but not HD, chosen because I thought that not all programs can be cut (HD) ... then yes, I still thought I could cut the synonymous with my old Premiere ...
Antwort von Marco:

Maybe you had the camera set incorrectly, and she then SD video as MPEG, instead of recording HD video than AVCHD.
It is important in this case, only that the MPEG actually comes of this camera. Otherwise I would have suspected that some of these MPEG files are corrupted and causing the problem. Although this is still not excluded, but the probability is very high, not synonymous.
Only change on suspicion all file and path names, I do not dare me to recommend. But otherwise I s.dem Project noticed anything.
Antwort von nele41:

Thanks for the look for commands.
But what do I do now?
I must go on somehow ... I grad mal nachgeguckt Camera and synonymous with the habs in the manual but can not heruasfinden .. I do not know whether direct MPEG of the camera when I come out with SD 9M (HQ) Recording ..
what do I do now .. ? sniffle sniffle ...
Antwort von Marco:

If you have a lot of patience, you could be the first project under a different path with only the simplest characters, no spaces, etc and re-save this
copy in Speicherdiaolog the
"Media with Project" to select. It takes a while, since all files used in this project are rendered (smart).
Then open the new project file and try that. But that would be erstmal Step 1 and the easy step. If it should work after that, it would have saved a lot of work.
Antwort von nele41:

that is, where should I start?
the names of the renamed files directly in the project file or rename the raw material itself ...?
The PC is a PC grad shop .... needs to bring the first back to home to make it.
wanted to try tomorrow erstmal Pro 8 and then install it via copy paste all the data in 8 obs copy to look at and maybe there is still s.Programm is so s.der 9th
So you really think that the problem is the long names of files?
why did they give the program so that a problem? I can not imagine not technically ..
Thank you for your patience ..
Antwort von Marco:

As you should first proceed, I have described above, yes. This is an attempt
to rename each file. Only the
new storage location and the
new project should be given a different name) will be named (simple.
Whether the file-and pathnames are causing the problem, I do not know. It is not excluded, since such cases have existed. While it is possible that only certain versions were affected and that occurred only under very special conditions, but if your PC system is otherwise in order, I do not know what else might cause a failure. On the Project as such it is not.
In addition, the file structures of the clips in the procedure described above will be recreated again, which could exclude a further source of error.
Made, that is quite fast. There are only a few mouse clicks. And then wait until the rendering is completed.
Antwort von nele41:

ok then I'll do it.
stupid question: what do you render with ""? But I know what that means in this context, I render nothing ... I create the new path and new project name and then I guck, that is, render it synonymous (if the computer simply calculates files)?
do I still render otherwise only when I have finished the Project .. and then render in front of it then I usually export, right?