Frage von mcstudios:
I hope you can help me:
I lost my Sony Tripod VCT D580RM To purify dismantled, so the remote control out, etc.
Now I can no longer simply bolt together ... I do not know what it could handle ... can no longer rotate inside ....???? Did I miss any part ...? So apart from the screws was still a single nut monitiert missing me ... because what? How is this mother used ..? I had not seen them, but then fell out and I did not know what to do with it.
That was a private purchase of a F_reunde, so I have no manual etc. Dei on the Internet was not very helpful: (
I hope you understand my problem
Antwort von Johannes:

I think that with the mother of the handle is fixed. And now, where you can get is the logical way not swivel mount. So whether you look back reinbekommst.
PS.: A Picture is worth a thousand words ;-)
Antwort von mcstudios:

Yes so I've actually thought synonymous .. you can even the mother in a (presumably intended) column and push the handle to penetrate ... only its length is not sufficient to s.Ende this thread then to grasp .... ? With and without a mother s.dieser body: (
Antwort von Jogi:

The remote lever with a potentially Kleemung fixed? Perhaps this is yet zusehr excited and you get to grips with why not weitgenug inside!
Antwort von mcstudios:

Now I'm not quite sure what you have with "Remote Lever Clamp with fixed" mean ...? In any event, here a few photos of the problem:
The place the place where I guess the mother is light green, the thread handle for the red.
zum Bild zum Bild I hope you can help me:)
Many greetings,
Antwort von Jogi:

ok, does not look as if the lever is clamped again. What is the lever?
Antwort von mcstudios:

The lever / handle looks like this:
zum Bild zum Bild Many greetings,
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Since it was asked - whether the dreckig Tripod - not have been better served as a purified,-P
Little s.Start cleaning fetish? ;-)
B. DeKid
Antwort von Johannes:

Now help look who the poor boy. From where are you? You could send it to me and I would try to repair it, that would be a quote?
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