Frage von zappel:
Hello voted on the Page of Sonydas VCL-TW25 discovered.§iontype=Support&externalUrl=http% 3A% 2F% 2Fmanuals% 2F3090590021.pdf & externalLinkType = manual Has anyone experience with this?
Is it worth a "2in1" to fetch Lens or should I buy both separately?
Is the lens for the "amateur" enough or is there better for the money?
Unfortunately, I think it is not involved in any online shop in Germany?
Is it too old? Are there any successor models?
gruß fidgety
Antwort von Jens 555:

Had so what times of Hama and was neither fish nor fowl. The image quality of these retro-focus lens is usually modest, because neither one or the other really perfect.
Better would be a single wide-angle and telephoto.
Did the Kenko KDV025 + KET20 in Still Image Mundus purchased.