Frage von kratos:
Did last week, the CX550 get. Now, the question of default -> quality. The predecessor had "only" 16MBit / s, now you can record synonymous with 24Mbps. More concretely, does the greater amount of data visible advantage (; 52 "LCD) or any advantage in the subsequent processing and Blu-Ray Authoring ere swept under the carpet?
Before I start I wanted to clarify that, my feeling says "adjust full quality, though for even" the mind says, "is perhaps not necessary and with 16MBit / s can I take longer synonymous.
What do you think one can afford to make a concrete statement?
Antwort von kratos:

650 Views and not a single question?
Antwort von actaion:

You as the Cam already - try it have a try!
And then reports here ;-)
What would interest me yet: Is the CX550 really so much worse than its predecessor at Lowlight (CX505/520)?
Antwort von tommyb:

@ Kratos
If you are somewhere a lake or water generally in the area searched (waves!), Then zoom up with the water and keep the camera in his hand so that it wobbles beautiful. Try it with everything from Modis (of 24Mbit all the way down).
Check out the stills of it then you do s.and even a picture, because this is the general question whether the E-Class an engine worth 240 hp or 170 if rich already.