Frage von MiXMaster:
Hello dear friends of the video editing!
I've obviously made a huge mistake when I had my SonyDCR DVD 403E camcorder purchased. While the camera makes very good shots, but unfortunately you can not edit the videos.
The problem is as follows:
The camera takes in the MPEG2 format on.
Both with the media player as synonymous to the DVD player can watch the individual sequences without any problems.
Unfortunately can not edit the files with Adobe Premiere Elements 2.0. The videos can be imported though, and appears to be synonymous in the media window, but appears in the Monitor window while playing no picture (only the sound is heard).
Meanwhile I have read in some forums that this special s.der Sony is compressing the data. Unfortunately, I have read so far no solution, because the videos as I can handle now. Even VitualDub does not recognize the video.
Can someone please tell me whether I can still save the videos in some way, or whether I need to actually sell the stupid camera.
I'd appreciate if someone could give me a detailed help. For I am a bloody Beginners who unfortunately has not adequately informed prior to the purchase of the camera.
Thanks in advance
Antwort von Markus:

might help you review the comments in the following next:
SonyDVD403E: Video recordings editieren
Wenn Du das Gerät bei einem Versandhandel gekauft hast, dann kannst Du es innerhalb einer bestimmten Zeit zurückgeben... siehe
14 days return policy? For video editing, the DV format (DV, MiniDV, Digital8, DVCAM) remains the first choice.
Antwort von MiXMaster:

Thanks for the links.
Unfortunately, my worst fears confirmed by the fact only. The camera can s.besten only get rid of. Unfortunately, this does not save my vacation pictures.
Stupidity is usually punished halt.
Antwort von Jan:

Premiere Element's files has not accepted? Well, I have not had time for a test with the program, VAD said a few months ago with the Element's not at all it comes in conjunction with all DVD camcorders.
In Magix next I was a bit, with the Ulead Studio, it will probably go well, it would be necessary but more accurate test.
Maybe you will get favorable constitutes a superior program to decipher the closely nested files supposedly easier "to" may.
That not even the "universal" converters "VirtiualDub the problem of" crack "is incomprehensible to me.
When Premiere Element's is your favorite program, the 403 will probably not soon be your more ...
Antwort von Stefan:

"That not even the" universal "converters" VirtiualDub the problem of "crack" is incomprehensible to me. "
For me, not really. Virtualdub MPEG2 files can not capture. This can only be modified versions such as Virtualdub Virtualdub-MPEG2 Of Fcchandler
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von Jan:

I have only heard of the program as the "black writer" program that converts almost everything. Since I only have originals (games, DVD's and CD's), I'm an absolute amateur in the field - no joke
Antwort von Stefan:

Virtualdub I would not want to put in the 'black writers' corner. The knife can indeed synonymous not help it if it is used for cut-throat ...
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von Asti:

Synonymous had the problem.
Video File of *. mpg to modify *. vob.
Then the program can process the file.
Antwort von hermesjo:

Hello, you need the software of Sony: "ImageMixer ver.1.5 for SonyDVD camcorder" (I have to get with the camera), and perhaps synonymous to the Internet to download. ImageMixer captiert after PC. Afterwards, they need the brand-new Adobe Elements 3 to see the images easy to handle (with the 2's problems, I've seen). The 3 I have since yesterday and now everything is OK.
Entschuldiging for my German because I am niederlandssprachig.
Succes. Hermesjo