Frage von Marcin:
Camcorders Hello friends!
I have a problem with my SonyDCR PC 120 E
The camera is 8 years old, then I have received my movies on a PC running Windos XP and edited with Magix Deluxe.
Now I have me a new laptop of HP brought with Vista 64.
The 1st Problem
My Magix program no longer runs on Vista 64
Then I got my new Vista enabled Magix Delux Program
The 2nd Problem
The orginale FireWire cable does not fit, because the plug s.dem new laptop is less
So I bought a new FireWire cable.
Unfortunately, I can the 3rd Not solve problem.
My camera is not recognized of my laptop.
I've searched for and found Teribe for Vista 64 no.
Perhaps this problem is known, and someone knows a solution.
I thank you already in advance for your advice.
Antwort von deti:
My camera is not recognized of my laptop. This incompatibility between various Sony cameras and Windows Vista (64bit) is now known, and with Board funds can not be solved (see 20DCR-PC120E & v = Sony DCR-PC120E & uid = & pf = 1 & pi = 6 & c = cameras% 20% 26% 20Photo camcorders & sc = & os = 64-bit).
Therefore, it is often another Firewire controller advised (as ExpressCard - Example: However, there is no guarantee that with a different controller then it must go, but it nevertheless is an opportunity. Otherwise, the installation or the 32bit version of Windows XP. Even Windows 7 will not work with this camcorder.