Frage von Onkel Fax:
I have my PC7E, model year 1997, after five years of re-activated and had to realize that the date and time are no longer maintained. This is indeed likely s.einer internal battery that is empty, or an internal battery that is over.
How do I get now s.diese Battery Battery or to exchange them for something new?
Have already tried to unscrew the floor of the camera, but I get the cover does not, or have concerns that I damage something, he can not lift off easily. Or is the battery somewhere else?
Would be nice if someone with such an old model still familiar.
The locking of the display is broken. Are there any substitute for such a museum model?
Thanks in advance for the many responses and Tips ;-)
Antwort von Bernd E.:
PC7E ... ... after 5 years re-activated and had to realize that the date and time are no longer maintained ... As I come s.diese Battery and Battery, in order to exchange them for something new? ... Have you already tried to charge it again? After five years, although it is not too likely, but maybe you do not even replace the battery.
... I tried to unscrew the bottom of the camera, but get the lid off not ... Or is the battery somewhere else? ... No, you're looking s.der already in place. How did you approach described is exactly as described in the manual and shown. If you lost your find, you can download it here:
The question then is whether this internal battery is synonymous raise in new, as in the Instructions are screwing the soil and removing the Batteries just in case called that one wants to dispose of the camera environment.