Frage von toni-cc:
Hi All,
My 2.5 years old Sony DCR-TRV14E digicam, faithful service rendered to date, gives me problems. The MiniDV tape can not eject. Once you turn on the device, the error message C: 31:30 and the eject icon flashes quickly.
According to the Manual is to eject the tape and make it pure again, if necessary, pull the battery. Unfortunately, the tape but not get out, that is, the motor moves a little bit out, but not next, and the cassette door will not open up. Does anyone know of you the problem?
Since I am only a layman, ask a possible answer in easy-to-understand words.
Or someone knows a specialist in the Munich area, which the device is not equal to Sonyeinschickt, but even repaired?
Thank you for your answers!
Gruss Toni
Antwort von Markus:

Hi Toni,
Begin error messages with C: usually describe an error, the cause may be correct yourself. If this attempt fails, that ran the service. Otherwise, you risk may damage.
Antwort von Timbo:

I have the same problem with C 32:10 can someone help me?
Antwort von Markus:
... the same problem I have with C 32:10 can someone help me? Even if the error code is different, the same tip applies (see above).
Antwort von Guenter:

Have the same problem with my TRV20E, error code C: 31:30.
Expectoration only halfway, not removable cartridge.
Sometimes it helps take out battery, but not always.
Running the tape but once again, rewinds the device as wildly and her.
Device was therefore 2 times in Sonyzur repair, now the same again!
Has anyone an inexpensive repair tip??
Antwort von Markus:

Hello Guenter,
The error code C: 31:30 is in plain text for "FG fault when starting capstan. Load the tape again, and perform operations from the beginning." - But if you like this weiterhilft? After all, you have indeed tried this several times ...
could be a sensor that wrong because of pollution any recurring (-) declarations caused. I would clean the drive first place and carefully observe the next problem.
Learn More:
Brief instructions for cleaning a tape drive
Antwort von Bernd s.:

Hello, had the same problem, only that my cartridge is not even came out. Following the notice of Guenter, I took out the battery and put it back on. The joy was great, the tape came to light. Thanks for the hint. Bernhard
Antwort von Bernd s.:

I still remember the error code was here: C: 32:11